Phimos, God of Music, Celebration and Poison Character in Crux Draconis | World Anvil
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Phimos, God of Music, Celebration and Poison

If a virtu-celebrity with a massive ego and impressive need for entourage was elevated to divinity, the result would be quite close to Phimos. The embodiment of parties, revelry and festivities, there is no regular party-goer who has not invoked their name. Phimos is the only diety that does not have a dedicated holiday somewhere in the galaxy (since technically every holiday falls under their domain). Additionally, they are the scourge of everyone that dares make music for profit; A.I. generated songs and half-baked corporate music is a blight on Phimos and their followers, who enforce strict rules on authenticity. Some say, if it were not for Phimos' intervention, 'real' music would be long-extinct. Lastly, Phimos' portfolio includes poison, especially the recreational kind. Soft drugs, alcohol, even straight dopamine-shots; It is up to Phimos' followers to invent and perfect substances that liven up any party. A side-effect is the production of venom capable of killing a dragon in one sip, landing would-be schemers and assassins at Phimos' places of worship regularly too.

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