Mist Material in Cresceir | World Anvil
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The magical energy that suffuses Crescier, fueling all forms of magic and guiding the growth of the world.


Material Characteristics

The Mist is an invisible, intangible substance that permeates all of Crescier like a hidden mist covering the world.

Physical & Chemical Properties

The Mist is toxic in large amounts, causing Burnout in those who absorb too much of it.

Geology & Geography

The Mist is found in all things, living and non-living and it is spread evenly throughout the world.

Origin & Source

The origin of this magical substance is unknown. General belief is that is has been here since the beginning of time, but there are a number of various theories that attempt to find a better answer.

History & Usage


The Mist has been known by the denizens of the world since life itself came to exist. It has been a constant, guiding and being guided in turn by the land and the life around it. The first elder Beasts were the first to truly begin to understand the Mist and how its impact on the world. When the Cres were created, it took them very little time to take note of its existence and begin to study it just as the Beasts did. Through research they have gained much insight into the workings of the mysterious substance and its relation to Runic in particular, allowing for numerous advances in Runic technology in the pre-Collapse society. Post-Collapse, much of the specifics have been lost along with so much other knowledge. What remains has been passed down through word of mouth, and many of the details have been lost or warped over the years. The only ones with a somewhat working knowledge of what the Mist truly is and does are those who join a sect and swear an Oath.

Cultural Significance and Usage

The Mist is an extremely important part of every culture across the land. It is known as a mysterious force that guides the world, and many people pray to the Mist for good fortune and safety. It is not seen as a 'god', more a natural law that is beyond understanding.


Over absorption causes Burnout.

Reusability & Recycling

The Mist is never truly used up. Instead it simply passes through those who use it, ready to be used again.
Common State

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