Medionasis Geographic Location in Creators of Silceris | World Anvil
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Medionasis is the largest island in the Great Lake. It is the only autonomous region in the Aurelian Kingdom and is officially referred to as the City-State. It has 1 million inhabitants. Medionasis is located in the Great Lake, south of the Mainland, from which it is separated by the narrow Strait of Telepharos. Its most prominent landmark is the Kassos Ruins, currently 1,257 m high. The island has a typical warm climate.

The earliest archaeological evidence of humanopid activity on the island dates from as early as 4500 BD. By around 4050 BD, Medionasis had Nylian colonies. The Aurelian conquest of the region led to the creation of the City-State of Medionasis, which was subsequently ruled by the Tessenda, a subfraction of the Aurelian Family. It became part of the Eastern Kingdom in 1084 AD. Medionasis was given special status as an autonomous region on 20th of Star's Hand 1145 AD. However, much of the autonomy still remains unapplied, especially financial autonomy, because the autonomy-activating laws have been deferred to be approved by the High Senate.

Medionasis has a rich and unique culture, especially with regard to the arts, music, literature, cuisine, and architecture. It is also home to important archaeological and ancient sites, such as the Necropolis of Piatonea, the Valley of Olives, Castle Kassos and Trepasori.


Medionasis has a roughly oval shape, earning it the name Terrolivina. The total coast length is estimated at 1,264 km. The total area of the island is 24,268 km²,  while the Autonomous Region of Olivinasis (which includes smaller surrounding islands) has an area of 26,403 km².

The terrain of inland Medionasis is mostly hilly and is intensively cultivated wherever possible. The cone of Mount Geraia dominates the southeastern coast. In the northeast lie the lower Lydera Mountains, 1,000 m. The deep mines of Medionasis were part of a leading sulphur-producing area throughout the 14th century, but have declined since the 1530s.


The island is drained by several rivers, most of which flow through the central area and enter the sea at the south of the island. The Garu flows through parts of the lower lands before entering the Great Lake at the port of Olivinasis. Other important rivers on the island are the Baradi and Pletru gnossos in the southwest.


Medionasis has a typical Southern climate with mild and wet winters and hot, dry summers with very changeable intermediate seasons. On the coasts, especially in the south-west, the climate is affected by the Vuz'Syphera currents and summers can be scorching.

Medionasis is seen as an island of warm winters.
Snow falls above 900–1000 metres, but it can fall in the hills. The interior mountains enjoy a full mountain climate, with heavy snowfalls during winter. The summit of Mount Geraia is usually snow-capped from fall till spring. Rainfall is scarce, and water proves deficient in some regions where a water crisis can happen occasionally.

Fauna & Flora

Medionasis is an often-quoted example of man-made deforestation, which has occurred since Turelian's times, when the island was turned into an agricultural region. This gradually dried the climate, leading to a decline in rainfall and the drying of rivers. The central and southwest regions are practically devoid of any forest. In Northern Medionasis, there are three important forests; near Mount Geraia, in the Lydera Mountains and near Olivinasis. The Lydera forest, covering 86,000 hectares, is the largest protected natural area of Medionasis. The Father of Olives, in Gneru Maladres, on the eastern slopes of Mount Geraia, is the largest and oldest known Olive tree in the world at 2,000 – 4,000 years old.

Medionasis has a wide variety of fauna. Species include red fox, least weasel, pine marten, roe deer, wild boar, crested porcupine, spiked hedgehog, common toad, whiteflower viper, golden eagle, bloodbugs, a variety of arthropods and wild lions and tigers.

Surrounding waters including the Strait of Telepharos are home to varieties of birds and marine life, including larger species such as greater flamingo and white whale.
Alternative Name(s)
The Rebel Island
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