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The Kindred are walking corpses, free of the frailties of a mortal form. Their bodies are capable of great endurance, but Resilience harnesses the Beast to take that endurance beyond “great” and into “impossible.” With Resilience a vampire could continue to act even when his body has been reduced to little more than bone and tendon.  
Action: None
Cost: None
Duration: Contant
Dice Pool: None
  BODY OF THE DEAD (Constant)
You are considered to have Enhancement +2 (Scale: Vampire) for all things relating to Durability (Stamina).   Whenever he is dealt aggravated damage, for each dot of Resilience he possesses, downgrade one point of aggravated damage to lethal. This applies to damage from fire and all acquired banes, but not sunlight. Resilience offers no reprieve from the sun’s blazing eye.  
Action: Reflexive
Cost: 1 Vitae
Duration: 1 turn
Dice Pool: None
  By spending Vitae a vampire can energize her dead muscles, giving her a brief but substantial burst of strength. Gain +1 Enhancement (Scale: Vampire) per dot of Resilience on Skills using Stamina while active (see Vampire Scale House Rule).   Active: By spending Vitae a vampire can dismiss grievous wounds, even those from banes. For each point of Vitae spent, choose one effect from the following list. A vampire may spend additional Vitae to invoke multiple effects simultaneously, but no effect of Resilience may be used more than once per turn.   • Subtract his Resilience dots plus one from all non-bane sources of damage. Mechanically this is similar to armor, but does nothing to reduce the visual and superficial signs of injury. Removed damage appears to be dealt, but resisted wounds do not inhibit the vampire physically in any way, though in a social context they likely create some difficulties. All superficial wounds may be healed completely for one Vitae whenever he next slumbers.   If an injury specifically removes a limb, an eye, or so on, the vampire does suffer logical impairments from the injuries.   This method of reducing damage does make it more difficult to stake a vampire.   • Subtract his Resilience dots from all damage from fire or other acquired banes. Sunlight still remains beyond the power of Resilience to defend against. All superficial signs of damage remain: Even if a vampire lost no Health while dashing through an inferno, he still emerges a burnt corpse. In this case, however, the visible damage is only as severe as it would be for a mortal who’d suffered the same level of harm.    

Vampire Scale House Rule

To capture the granular bonuses of Vampire the Requiem we will use a special Vampire Scale for Physical Intensity, Frenzy and physical Disciplines. This Vampire Scale allows bonuses from different Vampire sources to stack. The total Enhancements are determined first and the Scale second by referencing the Vampire Scale chart.
Enhancement from Scale tops out at +10e (Scale 5) for most characters. Scale beyond this is reserved for Epic entities of an otherworldly nature and possible Elder Kindred.


Vampire Scale Example

A Blood Potency 2 Vampire succumbs to Frenzy and spends one Vitae on Physical Intensity Might and 1 Vitae to Activate Vigor 2.

ENHItem / Scale
+1ePhysical Intensity
+2ePersistent Vigor
+2eActive Vigor
+7eScale 4
  HARDENED (• TO •••) Weapons flounder against the subtle defense of your character’s skin. Even when wearing nothing, he is well-protected from injury. • Your character’s skin provides him with one point of both hard and soft armor that possess the Innocuous tag — meaning that your character’s skin looks perfectly normal. This armor is both Bulletproof and Slash Resistant. •• Your character’s skin is now Bulletproof, Impact, & Slash Resistant. Your character’s skin now provides two points both hard and soft armor.       MIGHTY LEAP (• TO ••)   Mega-Stamina While all novas tend to be fit and can withstand the effects of their extraordinary powers, those with Mega-Stamina have truly superhuman constitutions and resistance to harm. Those with high levels of Mega-Stamina are virtually immune to the needs of mere mortals, and may even possess vastly increased lifespans. Mega-Stamina novas: • relating to Stamina, such as fatigue, hunger, or thirst. • resist indirect damage. • Increases durability Scale by 1 per Mega-Stamina dot for resisting pain and conditions Gains Enhancement equal to their Mega-Stamina dots on Stamina + Resolve rolls to Divide the time required to resolve an Injury Condition by their Mega-Stamina Scale     Dense Flesh (• to ••••• ••••) Prerequisite: Mega-Stamina equal to dots Gain an additional Injury Condition box for every dot, alternating between Bruised and Injured, so Dense Flesh •••• has two additional Bruised and two additional Injured Condition boxes.   Durability (• to •••••) Prerequisite: Quantum equal to dots The nova is far tougher than a baseline human. One dot of Durability grants the nova durability Scale 1 Armor with a rating of Quantum/2 (rounded up) and the Complete (3) and Soft Armor (2) tags. Each additional dot in Durability adds +1 Scale. In addition, a nova with at least one dot of this Edge can acquire the Active Camouflage (1), Defensive (2), Environmental (1, 2), Hard Armor (1, 3), or Innocuous (2) tags as regular power tags (p. XX).      

Vampire Scale House Rule

To capture the granular bonuses of Vampire the Requiem we will use a special Vampire Scale for Physical Intensity, Frenzy and physical Disciplines. This Vampire Scale allows bonuses from different Vampire sources to stack. The total Enhancements are determined first and the Scale second by referencing the Vampire Scale chart.
Enhancement from Scale tops out at +10e (Scale 5) for most characters. Scale beyond this is reserved for Epic entities of an otherworldly nature and possible Elder Kindred.


Vampire Scale Example

A Blood Potency 2 Vampire succumbs to Frenzy and spends one Vitae on Physical Intensity Might and 1 Vitae to Activate Vigor 2.

ENHItem / Scale
+1ePhysical Intensity
+2ePersistent Vigor
+2eActive Vigor
+7eScale 4
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