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Unleashing her Beast, a vampire can cross vast distances in the blink of an eye, catch a thrown punch before her attacker has even moved a muscle, or snatch a gun barrel away from a man’s temple before he can pull the trigger. Celerity makes a vampire so fast that it’s as if she never has to move at all.  


Action: None
Cost: None
Duration: Contant
Dice Pool: None
You gain Enhancement +2 to outrace others on foot and all things relating to speed.   HARD TO HIT (Constant)
You gain Enhancement +1 to Defense.    


By spending Vitae Celerity allows for bursts of speed faster than the eye can perceive. For each point of Vitae spent choose one effect from the following list. A vampire may spend additional Vitae to invoke multiple effects simultaneously, but no effect of Celerity may be used more than once per turn. The first round of leaving combat with successful rolls is at one range band per turn.  
Action: Reflexive
Cost: 1 Vitae
Duration: 1 turn
Dice Pool: None
    BURST (Active)
The moment the whistle blows, your character is already crossing the finish line. She sprints in a blur, keeping pace with and outstripping swift vehicles and animals. Moving in this way is sudden, jarring, the vampire appears to shift from point to point without crossing the space in-between. She may use this to briefly avoid detection or launch surprise attacks.   Out of combat use the speeds listed on the chart below. If she joins battle, her speed is greatly slowed, as she must focus more completely on her environment. When in combat she may move one range band per turn. The Enhancement gained is related to movement with speed.  

VTR Celerity - Speed of Scale

Celerity Rank








+6Sports Car60m120mphMedium




+10Fighter Jet750m1500mphLong
    FIRST (Active)
Immediately move to the head of the Initiative queue. This boost in Initiative lasts only one turn, after which all combatants return to acting in their rolled order. When multiple characters attempt this a Clash of Will to determine the order of action.   SEIZE THE MOMENT (Active)
Your character anticipates movement around herself, reacting well before others. Your character reacts so quickly she can interrupt others’ actions, seizing focus before another character — friend or foe. This does not adjust the Initiative Roster.   The decision to interrupt is made after another character’s action is declared, but before it actually occurs (before dice are rolled). Once interrupted, the other character must continue his declared action, if it’s still possible. If the action is no longer possible, he takes no action. Alternatively, that character’s player may declare his action a Botch and gain 3 Momentum.   Celerity may not be able to interupt actions of which the character was unaware, depending on the Storyguides detemination. Finally, using Celerity in this way is taxing; a vampire may only interrupt as many actions in a scene as she has dots in Celerity. When multiple characters attempt this a Clash of Will wills determine the order of action.   • Interrupt the action of another character with a brief action of her own. This could be an attack, making it possible to disable an opponent in mid-action. It may be movement, avoiding harm by shifting out of reach. Or it could be any other instant action, like activating a Discipline or dodging. However, the vampire is still limited to one instant action. She cannot use Celerity to make two attacks, or an attack followed by another instant action. Likewise she cannot move further in a single turn than her Speed would allow.   DODGE BALL (Active)
Your character sees the hit coming and prepares, even if it isn’t her turn to act. When someone targets your character with an attack, before dice are rolled, she can automatically increase her Defense. She may do this once per round.  

VTR Celerity - Defense

Celerity RankDefScale












Note on Scale
Scale from the same category does not stack, the greater Scale is used. Scale tops out at Scale 5 for most characters. Scale beyond 5 is reserved for Epic entities of an otherworldy nature and possible Elder Kindred.

Vampire Scale House Rule

To capture the granular bonuses of Vampire the Requiem we will use a special Vampire Scale for Physical Intensity, Frenzy and physical Disciplines. This Vampire Scale allows bonuses from different Vampire sources to stack. The total Enhancements are determined first and the Scale second by referencing the Vampire Scale chart.
Enhancement from Scale tops out at +10e (Scale 5) for most characters. Scale beyond this is reserved for Epic entities of an otherworldly nature and possible Elder Kindred.


Vampire Scale Example

A Blood Potency 2 Vampire succumbs to Frenzy and spends one Vitae on Physical Intensity Might and 1 Vitae to Activate Vigor 2.

ENHItem / Scale
+1ePhysical Intensity
+2ePersistent Vigor
+2eActive Vigor
+7eScale 4
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