Limbra Character in Crashland Invasion | World Anvil
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Inyoni literally, no fucking joke, has had nightmares where she literally pissed herself in utter terror at the thought of facing this cross-breed Goner and Kusa himself is excited by the thought of fighting him - because it "would be an honourable death, and a fun one too if he toyed with me first".

Kusa would be disappointed. Limbra is well known for his complete disregard for concepts like honour and doesn't even seem to know particularly much about or believe in the gods of the Goner faith. When asked if he had the patronage of any of the gods he asked what patronage is. This is a huge advantage for him because it means he'll simply kill you in the most efficient way possible, ideally before you even realise you're even in danger. Death by his hand is probably quick, but he has no issue with simply shooting your hands off and running off to kill your friends while you scream in agony and bleed out then and there. The closest thing he has to a weakness is that he works alongside others and will go out of his way to prevent death and injury to them, although he's so good at this that it still ends up being beneficial for any unit he's in by massively reducing casualties.

Or, at least, that's how he was before arriving on Earth. He was apparently the only witness of Grima and Grima's other guards being killed by mutineers that Limbra then killed. Since he arrived on Earth some could even say he's been acting hella sus.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Extremely fast and agile, and has legs so strong that kangaroos and ostriches are put to shame by his ability to casually kick down walls or put noticeable dents in tanks. Very dense muscles. Is generally extremely obviously in very good health.

Body Features

Has no scars due to regenerative abilities. Can change skin colour at will to some degree but if you enough mind-altering substances in his bloodstream it instead becomes representative of his emotions like they normally are for his father's subspecies.

Facial Features

Has no lips or seemingly much cheeks, making bare teeth visible.

Identifying Characteristics

Has small spines coming out elbows and back of feet. Unusually large for a Goner. Bare teeth. Extremely terrifying.

Special abilities

Can track by smell, has hearing that is slightly better than that of humans, hawk-like vision, is incredibly fast and agile, has ridiculous aim. So monotone when speaking that nobody can tell when he's being honest or not.

Specialized Equipment

Has a pair of rapid-fire plasma guns and a nice armour set. Each of the guns comes complete with a plasma-blade bayonet. Also uses fission grenades and whatever he picks up.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

His parents decided they were gonna leave the Empire to the outer colonies to avoid being punished for crossbreeding and to prevent their 2 twin children from being sacrificed. This went badly because there was a suicide bomber, specifically a member of the Emperor's Unsung (basically imagine a theocratic state and there being a vigilante/terrorist group that is utterly loyal to the state and the religion but still breaks the law constantly), on the illegal transport who went kaboom and killed almost everyone aboard, Limbra's parents included. Limbra was found in the wreckage but, due to a personal interest by a prominent member of the Secret Military, Limbra was kidnapped instead of sacrificed (although as far as anyone else knew he was indeed sacrificed).

He was raised as a soldier of the secret military, constantly being sent out to battle and training for it, with such training including live firefights with real casualties (mostly consisting of kidnapping victims). He was transferred to a unit under the command of Grima, whose primary job is putting down far smaller rebel forces. Limbra would regularly pull incredible clutches that allowed Grima to reign victorious despite his incompetence, which led Grima and many others to believe he was blessed by the gods.

Limbra gained popularity within the unit despite prejudices (basically racism) against him for just how many of them would've died if he weren't there. Throughout this, he saw more of the discrimination and general fucked-up-ness of the Empire all while experiencing discrimination directed at him such as how he was never allowed to command any units despite his skill and expertise. This is the metaphorical equivalent of taking a bomb and attaching a timer to it.

The closest thing Limbra ever got to a promotion was becoming one of Grima's unofficial bodyguards, being required by Grima to be in the background somewhere nearby so that he couldn't be an embarrassment to Grima but could still step in if danger arose.

Grima was assigned to the duty of gathering up a force from a sector and using it to conquer a primitive world, Earth, which was still being studied.

Limbra did a thing to the scientists that were studying Earth. He then looked over the data they'd gathered. And then he destroyed it.

The only data left to work with on what exactly Earth was were that Earth had experienced hundreds of nuclear explosions (primarily from the Cold War) that suddenly almost completely stopped one day. Grima concluded that the human race must've nuked itself, although this didn't stop him from gathering up the largest force and as many colonists as possible because he wanted to be running a functional world in as little time as possible. In total 1 billion Goners would be sent to Earth, Limbra and Grima among them.

It should be clarified that Limbra could be considered "absolutely and utterly sick of Grima's shit" by this point.

Grima ordered that the ships accelerate into Earth's atmosphere so that they can land as quickly as possible after waking up from cryosleep rather than burn through too many of the supplies... if only he knew about Earth's massive field of space debris and satellites that the ships would be ramming into.

Limbra and Grima both survived the crash with only minor injuries due to the nature of where they were in the flagship. Limbra wasn't done.

Limbra and some of his friends helped to incite a mutiny by those that pretty rightfully blamed Grima for the crash. Limbra killed Grima and his other guards during this before turning on the mutineers, slaughtering all who witnessed him kill Grima and then some just to make the point of "oh no guys look I failed to protect Grima but hey look I'm totally not a traitor haha guys".




Intellectual Characteristics

Extremely, extremely cunning and capable of making nearly instant calculations and plans on the move.

Morality & Philosophy

"Guys I'm starting to reckon the Empire being racist and sexist and discriminatory and doing all kinds of fucked up things like purges and all these messed up need-to-know-basis organisations are kinda bad gonna deliberately sabotage stuff now."

Personality Characteristics


Isn't fully sure himself yet but he wants to either hinder the Empire or leave it or even collapse it.

Likes & Dislikes

Hates the taste of human meat, despite eating it all the time and most Goner nobility coming to consider it a delicacy. Likes weapons and explosions. Dislikes dogs. Likes cats.

Personality Quirks

Teeth often click against each other when talking due to them being oversized.


Cleans very frequently.


Contacts & Relations

Has ties with a lot of other skilled and capable warriors, including encounters with Kusa.

Religious Views

Doesn't seem to care.
Date of Birth
4th December 1999
Year of Birth
1999 29 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born to a Limbrark female that had been mistakenly informed that she was infertile and a Chamark mutant who was a mad simp for her, although tbf that simpage was reciprocated. This is considered heresy and extremely illegal.
Yellow, extremely flexible Iris and so can deliberately change pupil size and shape to some degree
Black plumage
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Usually white but capable of changing scale colour
5'3 which is pretty far above average.
140 lbs

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