Spindlelynx Species in Craedock | World Anvil
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The Spindlelynx is a domestic feline species native to Aclia. They are the result of centuries of artificial breeding by the native Elves, and purebreds are highly prized by the ruling druid class and noble families. Their cost is not so high as to prohibit common folk from owning them, and the long lived elves can quite capably save enough to purchase one for a child or loved one on a special occasion. They can also be crossbred with native forest lynxes or even with common cats.   The most noticeable trait of a Spindlelynx is its tail, which is often one and a half times the length of its body, and ends in a furry bulb. While not prehensile, they do display a bit of dexterity with them, and can be trained to perform detailed movements with them, which is often done as part of dance or music routines. Their legs, ears, and neck are also slightly longer than that of a normal cat, depending on the breed.

Basic Information


Spindlelynx have four legs and a tail. The tail is quite long, about 1.5 times the length of the body, and their front legs are several inches longer than their back legs, giving them an upright tilt when standing naturally, which the elves believe adds to their noble and esteemed composure.   Their fur is silken smooth to the touch, the hairs so fine they almost appear as a cloth. They are bred in all variety of colors, but most often appear in black, grey, brown, and even greenish hues. Some are bred with stripes, others with spots, but they are very faint, and often display little contrast to the background fur's color, despite the efforts many breeders to produce them with higher definition.

Growth Rate & Stages

The elves bred the Spindlelynx to live longer than their feline cousins, especially compared to a common cat, in order to better fit in with the centuries long elven lifespans. They remain small kittens for about 25 years, and although they can move independently after just three years, they nurse from their mothers until their 20s. After this they reach a semipubescent stage where they function almost fully as adults and grow to their full size, but don't reproduce until their 50s. They can live to be about 200 years old.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Spindlelynx most common food is snakes. They often use their long tails to draw snakes out of their nests, taking them for a potential mate, and pounce. They must eat meat to be healthy, and almost any meat will suffice. When kept fully indoors, they are commonly fed jerky, which they enjoy chewing on before eating.

Biological Cycle

While many mammals may hibernate, the Spindlelynx is most active at winter, and were bred to be so, as more Elven holidays occur this time of year and the species was bred for their appeal and to give as gifts. They hunt more often, and their metabolism increases to keep their bodies warm during the cold months. Their fur remains mostly the same, they do not produce a winter coat nor shed in excess during any time of the year. In summer, their metabolism slows, and the can spend up to three quarters of any given day sleeping or resting.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Spindlelynx is an artificially bred species, raised only in Aclia. Some however have been given as gifts to nobles or rulers in other islands in the Acronian Sea, and for a very high price they may be purchased in Aclia's ports, so they could potential be found aboard merchant ships or in the homes of other well-to-do Craedock residents.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Spindlelynx have an incredible sense of vision at night, their pupils dilating to almost the entire width of the eye. A particular breed, the Hunter's Spindlelynx, bred to aid hunters, has had this feature enhanced even moreso and is praised as some of the best vision capability in any domestic animal in Craedock.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

In the Royal Era, the Spindlelynx was highly prized for its fur, and often they were bred as often for their fur as they were to be kept as pets. This practice was outlawed in Vytali's Era in response to public criticism. Now, after a Spindlelynx passes naturally, it is customary for their fur to be removed and used by the family as cloth for a tapestry or sometimes clothing, and is considered a sign of respect and reverence for the pet. In these cases the body is wrapped and respectfully cremated. If the body is buried instead, it is frowned upon to remove the fur.
200 years
Average Height
1 meter
Average Length
1.5 meters head to base of tail, with tails of 2 to 2.5 meters.
© Dylan Eugene Wheeler 2018   Click to view the Author's Copyright Notice.

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