Fenrey Character in Craedock | World Anvil
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Angel of Water

Fenrey, Angel of Water and ward of Falensha, has domain over the elemental Plane of Water and tends to keep to herself. She is called upon by mortals during times of droughts and natural disasters, however. She is the most common matron of sailors, fishermen, and all those many souls in Craedock who depend on the sea for their lives and livelihoods. Of the four elemental grandangels, she is considered the strongest and most powerful.

Divine Domains

Water, Good, Weather

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Purple Manta Ray. A Trident.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

A Trident

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Contribution by Elizabeth Schrier

  Long ago in the infant stages of literacy, it is said that Fenrey, Angel of Water, fell in love with a mortal man. The man, named Magoth, was a warrior of his tribe, though perhaps not the most skilled, and despite his knack for battle he had shown kindness and wit wherever he traveled. Fenrey, however, had never been one to meddle in the Mortal Plane, aside from the aid she provided to her Mother, Falensha; but occasionally she would hear the prayers of those in hardship. Most of the prayers were selfish and needy and largely went unanswered; at least until one night a voice that most would consider unremarkable whispered in her ear, begging forgiveness for the water in which had tainted.   The prayer intrigued her, drawing her eye to the source. She peered into the Mortal Plane, her gaze landing on the features of the man she would come to care so deeply for. He was thin, unhealthily so, having struggled through what seemed to be a horrid ship wreck, and now drifted on a small makeshift raft, and was in the midst of emptying a small bucket of waste into the ocean.   There was nothing special about the man, not by divine standards, but Fenrey had grown curious as he whispered his prayer, and so she watched on. In the coming days Magoth would continue his apologies and worship, despite how he began to wither away, thanking her and Hartzonell for the gift that was what little fish he could manage to catch. She stayed with him, watching him struggle for months, watching his kindness despite his rough actions and soon enough she was coaxing fish from the water and rain from the sky to sustain him. With her aid Magoth managed to survive until he drifted into the depths of a group of islands (Acronian legend assumes it to be the Black Islands).   Not much lore is written about what happened from there beyond the mortal becoming ill and injured during his time in the islands. It is also said that Fenrey had shown herself to him, laying with him throughout the long cold nights for years to come. Regardless of what happened in these gaps most of the lore agrees that in an effort to save her beloved, Fenrey blessed a nearby spring, granting it the power of immortality. The draw of power weakened her, however, and she became incapacitated for a time. By the time she had recovered enough to return to her love; Uzuli had already visited the mortal, escorting his soul to its judgement.   Distraught by his death, knowing that she would not be allowed to see him again, she hid the spring from mortals who may try and seek it, and cursing the area to punish any who may venture so close.   Many religious scholars believe the spring to exist somewhere in the Black Islands, though they are more convinced that the spring does not grant immortality but rather holds some sort of curative power, or simply contains a sort of holy water. Many have ventured to try and discover the spring but none have been successful.
Neutral Good
Divine Classification
Ruled Locations
© Dylan Eugene Wheeler 2018   Click to view the Author's Copyright Notice.

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