Olthotez Ensonods Organization in Corrum Galaxia | World Anvil
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Olthotez Ensonods (OLT-HO-TESS EN-SO-KNOW-DS)


The Olthotez Ensonods is an umbrella term for dozens of loosely connected pirate crews that operate in the Olthotez Ropout. There are numerous alliances between the different crews, but each has their own objectives and will often fight or raid each other as often as the mining companies.   Spealemit is the only agreed upon "safe haven" for the eaOlthotez, though murder rates are still high on the minor planet.


Each crew has their own ship or ships, and no standard exists for weapons or uniforms from crew to crew. For example, the crew of the Oppoeko-Class Gunboat Tel Gyoospeale use weapons built in the Isles of Eamit that they captured from a shipment destined for Bolus-1, while the guards who work for the local merchants on Spealemit use weapons purchased legally from Sheebaum Armoury Services.


About 16 years after the Bolus Company built the first mining settlement on Bolus-1, piracy had started to become a real problem for the local miners. Workers and criminals found it easier and more rewarding to steal from the mining companies than working for them.   By 2929 BFP, the so-called Olthotez Ensonod had taken the minor planet Spealemit for themselves, and were in a minor conflict with the System Protection Company.

Demography and Population

~1 million
Founding Date
c. 3000 BFP
Illicit, Other
Alternative Names
Darkspot Pirates (Nod-Typical)
Government System
Economic System
Barter system
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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