F.A.B.E.L. Boarding Craft
The FABEL (Forced Access Boarding and Evacuation Lander) Boarding Craft was designed, initially, by the Codai Government for the purpose of assaulting craft that were either too difficult for their ships to assault, for instance the Asan Capital Ships, or for use by excess forces that would otherwise be wasted by simply being aboard the main ship. Thirdly, they are also used for emergency extractions; if you need to get someone out in a hurry, you slam this into the side of the vessel and evac them in a hurry.
But surely they would know you did it? Surely your enemy would know that it was the Codai Military who assaulted your position? That's where they got clever. The Government "Lost" a large number of these ships; alongside the schematics to make more. Now, across the sector, you can find similar models based on these ships. Now, it could be anyone. Your local pirates? The Government? An unknown faction? All three are potentially the case - there's no real way to tell.
Power Generation
On-board power is supplied by a very small fusion reactor, stored near the front of the ship below the main console.
The ship is propelled by usual Sub-Light thrusters, and possesses a uniquely constructed Spike Drive - which is constructed around the exterior rather than being one consolidated unit, and activates in reverse: Relative to the sublight thrusters, the spike-drive fires in reverse.
Weapons & Armament
The ship has no "main" weapons, however it collides with a ship, it will latch on and use use a rapid laser on a rotating mount to breach the hull. If the hull is particularly thick, this mount can be programmed to keep spinning - allowing it to cut deeper.
Armor and defense
The ship is as light as possible. If it is hit by anything particularly hard, it will almost definitely breach.
Additional & auxiliary systems
This ship mentions a previously mentioned high-powered laser, which is on a rapidly spinning gimbals, allowing it to slice into the the hull of a ship. Additionally, it features several stealth coatings and reflective surfaces on it's exterior to avoid detection. Unfortunately, due to the limited size there is no heat sink present on this particular stealth ship.
Limpets, Suckers
5 Meters
15 Meters
5 Meters
Complement / Crew
1 Pilot Minimum, 2 for Advanced Systems
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Capible of holding up to 8 additional people, as well as a few pounds of gear in overhead lockers.
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