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Rivanel of Rexinar

Vincente Reguera (a.k.a. ALPHA-V)


Vin comes from a rich family, but despite being spoilt by his parents (being a single child), he has never grown up to be arrogant or entitled or anything like that. This balance in personality was mostly brought on by Micha, his absolute bestest best friend. Their bond is so tight, one could call them brothers - playing soldier boys together and frequently visiting each other's homes. They are almost never apart even though their upbringing may be worlds apart, as Micha comes from a poorer family living on the edge of Raidensburg territory. They became friends at school and were even roommates during their university days.  
Lightning Prodigy
Micha eventually enlisted to follow his dreams of serving the country, while Vin, with interest in Science and Innovation, stayed in university to continue his PhD research on an automated sea defence system. By the time he graduates, his research on toroidal plasma cannonballs became a feasible theory, which earned him the nickname 'Lightning Prodigy', and the attention of defence companies. Everyone was trying to recruit him, but it was the Triumvirate themselves who came with the biggest offer: to work at the national military facility itself. This, however, would mean he'd have to enlist.   While he thought about it, Micha's squad was sent to a specialised mission that went awry. It was reported that the whole squad was captured and/or killed by enemy forces. This broke Vin to his core, and it was around this time that he messed around with opioids to cope with the loss. His parents, meanwhile, had been extremely patient with him - his father even making sure not one word gets out to hungry journalists. His boy had gained some fame of his own, after all.   The Triumvirate ultimately decided Rexinar would not be sending a rescue squad as she had just taken a big enough hit from the neighbouring country that planned the attack. At first, Vin accepted the Triumvirate's command and thought they had to have made a difficult but rational decision. Just as he was coming out of his dark place, Vin began thinking about his future once again, and were invited to meet with the top brass to discuss his prospects. As the meeting went well and everyone gelled with each other, the Triumvirate began to open up and talk casually. From what Vin heard, it turns out the Rivanel, Commodore and Captain, when they announced the decision not to pursue Micha's squad, were only concerned about saving their own pockets. That was it for Vin. These aren't the heroes he thought they were. He knew politics were shit, but he believed THEM.  
Quest to Rivanelship
He then decided to become a soldier after all, and he didn't stop at just working for the Tech Division. He took a step further and joined the ARMIS programme, fusing with his childhood partner Pokemon, BB the Electrode. He surpassed expectations and excelled in his training, so he remained in the good graces of the Triumvirate at all times... all the while gaining ranks and learning the ins and outs of Rexinar governance + military operations.   After observing then deciding on his core allies (Meirion and Akane), he set his ambitious plan in motion. For the 2072 War Games, in a move described by others as 'insane', Vin, Meirion and Akane formed a team to challenge the previous Triumvirate. Through sheer ingenuity and precise strategising, they won the Games, bringing about new governance for the first time in 40 years.   Now the Rivanel, Vin was finally able to change how things were run, making sure Rexinar's military forces shine even brighter than before with new technology and a more compassionate rule. From the very top, he can now ensure that nobody gets left behind anymore.   -------------------------------------------------------  


  Bright - Academically gifted, brilliant and has a sharp mind for quick thinking and strategies   Loyal - Devoted and faithful to his beliefs, interests and people he considers allied with him   Ambitious -Once he’s set his sights on something, he’s absolutely determined to achieve it   Fastidious - He can get rather fussy about minute details and can be hard to please   -------------------------------------------------------  



  Name: BB (short for Billy Bob, and not Bally Boy as one might think)   ARMIS moves: Electro Ball, Gyro Ball, Self-Destruct, Screech, Light Screen, Protect, Swift, Foul Play   Short history: When his parents offered to get him any Pokemon he wants for his first, 10-year-old Vin saw a Voltorb atop a random rock one day, and just decided to get that one. It was love at first sight.   Personality: Gluttonous, maverick, clingy   -------------------------------------------------------  


  Name: EZ (short for Ezekiel)   ARMIS moves: Zap Cannon, Ancient Power, Explosion, Magnet Rise, Hyper Beam, Thunder Cage, Extreme Speed, Electroweb   Short history: Rexinar went through an accelerated technological advancement in the span of 4 years since the Neu Triumvirate took office, and this caused Regieleki, slumbering beneath the Stormsong land, to rise and check out the Thunder Nation. It reveled in the many power sources available throughout Raidensburg City in particular. It took special interest in Vin and his inventions, so it decided to stick around and satiate its curiosity.   Personality: Impish, ever-curious, chipper   -------------------------------------------------------


Meirion Emrys Rodric

Colleague (Important)

Towards Rivanel of Rexinar



Rivanel of Rexinar

Colleague (Important)

Towards Meirion Emrys Rodric



Rivanel of Rexinar

Best friend (Vital)

Towards Michaelangelo de Sabatino



Michaelangelo de Sabatino

Best friend (Vital)

Towards Rivanel of Rexinar



“Ask not what your country can do for you— ask what you can do for your country.”
Lawful Good
Current Status
Running the country of Rexinar while leading its military operations
Current Location
Date of Birth
July 10
Current Residence
Reinhilde District
Untamed dark brown, almost black hair
Aligned Organization

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