Wolf Death Condition in Chronicles of the Zamfir | World Anvil
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Wolf Death


Type 1

Type 1 wolf death is acute in onset and typically fatal, occurring when a profound social and emotional bond is abruptly severed, causing severe psychological shock and the bond between wolf and human sides of the psyche to separate. Without expression, the wolf side dies.  

Type 2

Type 2 wolf death is considered a chronic and slow progression and has only recently been separated out from Type 1, as many symptoms do not show up until the disease is too far progressed that the two can look remarkably similar. The difference is in the root cause of the illness, where type 1 is a sudden shock, type 2 is a slow degradation of the bond between the wolf and human halves of the individual's psyche and is treatable.


Type 1

Sudden psychosis, extreme emotional outbursts, reporting the death of one or more individuals with whom the individual has a bond, suicidal ideation and execution.  

Type 2

Lack of appetite, anxiety, lack of interest in pack activities, voluntary social withdrawal and isolation, irritability, mood swings, lack of shifting from one form to another (if previously able), behaving as the incorrect form (overly canine behavior in human form or too human behavior in the wolf), irrational shifting to dire form, complaints of being stuck, feelings of despair and sadness, decreased ability to perform magical tasks that were previously relatively simple, magical draining upon the pack. The rest of the symptoms as the disease progresses begin to mirror type 1 until resulting suicidal ideation and execution occur.


Previously, the only solution for individuals affected by this condition was humane euthanasia.    Recent work by werewolves hoping to increase the longevity of Primas in particular has led to some breakthroughs using human antidepressant medications and appropriate social bonding with their wolf selves that can be achieved without shifting. This includes very regular Lunar Communion, pack social behavior, co-sleeping and physical touch, transfer of magical energy to the afflicted individual, and even therapy animals. Wolfdog breeds are particularly common as emotional support animals. The conventional wisdom applied that older werewolves are more likely to be affected more severely or more likely to be affected is being investigated, as it is entirely possible that elderly werewolves are simply experiencing a more chronic form of the condition and  can be rehabilitated if caught in time.


Wolf death, if untreated, always leads to death of the werewolf.    Current modern treatment is not widespread or well-documented and many of the cases currently under investigation were caught particularly early and are being managed. These treatments have not been studied enough to provide conclusive evidence of their efficacy and are unlikely to be developed much further, considering the very real stigma toward human doctors and medicine and further lack of understanding and education about psychiatric treatment among werewolf packs.

Cultural Reception

The majority of werewolves see wolf death as something very old-fashioned as it was particularly common between bonded mates, which is no longer a practiced cultural norm. Individuals suffering are usually pitied, but the recent surge among the Prima population has caused a great deal of concern and consideration to the prevention of the later stages of the chronic form of the disease.
Affected Species

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