The Feast Day of Lycus Massacres Plot in Chronicles of Mann | World Anvil
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The Feast Day of Lycus Massacres

The Feast Day of Lycus Massacres took place in 9,462 AUD. Furse of all walks of life were killed on many worlds throughout the Commonwealth of Mann. Women, children, men, those unlucky enough to have a grandparent of the Furse. Millions of Furse were killed in the Southern half of the Commonwealth of Drala. Even in the old Furse Law of the northern half of the Commonwealth, worlds fell victim to the heartless slaughter of innocent life.   Worlds such ass Isca with it's small Furse population saw them mostly wiped out in full, even mainly Furse Population Worlds such as Karthmere in the northern half of the Commonwealth saw the deaths of thousands, lord and common alike.   On the world of Isca Systemlord Peder Frost, and his wife and family fell victim. Killed during a feast welcoming the Lord Commander of the King's Guard to his Hall for the feast with his family, clan, and importat people of the system of Isca. Edith Frost was killed protecting her children, herself being the sister of King Harwyn Lynch of the Kingdom of Fist, who sought to avenge his sister, and all Furse alike.   The acts were under taken by small militia groups throughout the Commonwealth. King Oswald Gisking of the Commonwealth was linked to some of those groups, and had to send a letter of confession to the Head of the Fabian Faith and ask for forgiveness, and that those who acted in such a manner did do without his consent. King Harwyn declared war on the Commonwealth shortly after.
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