Techno-Mage Orders Organization in Chronicles of Mann | World Anvil
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Techno-Mage Orders

Techno Orders are orders of Technos which serve the Empire, and are built on the same laws of all Imperial Orders.     Techno-Magus - Order founded on the idea of preserving knowledge. Members can often be found in great libraries and centers of learning.   Battle Technos - Order dedicated to combat and honing their skill through warfare. They believe through conflict they can better understand their power.   Assassin Order - Known to hire their services for a large price. They believe that to effect change one must cut off the head of the snake. A contract is always completed, no matter the death count to them, although innocent lives is forbidden to harm. They believe in freedom for all, and the will of the individual. They were founded by Richard Aegis to use against the Technos. Said that their order can trace it’s back to the time of the First False Gods of Katos. Often at war with the Temple Order.   Temple Order - Believe that it is their duty to protect mankind from itself. The order was largely outlawed although splinter groups remained behind. Those who fled went east through Eastmarch, and later founded the techno Empire/Magus Empire. They believe that they know best and that people should serve them, instead of the other way round. As such the Techno/Magus Empire is ruled by a small caste of Techno Lords who hold the people enthralled to serve them. Some of these hidden orders seek the return of godhood. Long held war between them and the Assassins Order.   Skoll Order - An Order which seeks to the return of the Skoll, and to serve them as their loyal servants. It is said they are the reason so many wars have been fought with the Skoll.
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