Furse Space Geographic Location in Chronicles of Mann | World Anvil
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Furse Space

Furse Space is a section of the Settled Worlds which is made up of the ancient culture of one of the 13 fleets. Once settled throughout the Skane, and Furia Nebula, they have been pushed out of the Furia Nebula save for the Dukkum Star Cluster by Caderyn ‘The Great’ Cerwyn Martel Starshield, founder of the Holy Fabian Dominion.   Today Furse Space is made up of the Skane Nebula, and the XXXXX Nebula, also known as the Old Ruins, largely uninhabited star systems destroyed by the Skoll a fourteen hundred years ago. The Bolgar Ruthen Nebula has recently been conquered by Furse Warlords over the last several hundred years, and given rise to the Ruthen Star Empire. Although many see the Ruthen as Furse control, they also do not often see it as Furse Space.   The Furse have made light hearted attempts to reclaim the Furia Nebula, also known as Old Furia, and Old Furse Space, but have been more successful in raiding throughout the north west of the Settled Worlds against Fabian, and Lims Star Systems alike. Although they have conquered large sections of the Dragon’s Head Nebula, and Eriu Nebula. Those conquests have largely submitted to the rule of local overlords.   Furse Space, and the old Furse Star Empire were once one of the major powers of the Settled Worlds, and played a major role in the fall of the western half of the Fabian Dominion. Star Kingdoms such as Sal, Talus, Gela, Dunum, and many others were conquered, and founded by Furse warlords who later converted to the Fabian Faith, and in a twist of fate, Caderyn ‘The Great’ Cerwyn Martel Starshield, founder of the Holy Fabian Dominion, own ancestors were Furse who fought against the Fabian Faith.   The Furse came be found throughout Furse Space as traders, mercenaries to raiders, and conquers. They serve in the personal guards of lords, and influential people throughout the Settled Worlds, to large fleets of starships defending worlds, or sacking them with abandon.   The Furse, and Baatar light speed technology is among the greatest in the Settled Worlds. They don’t rely on the Jump Gates of the Fabian, but instead have powerful Jump Drives which almost allow them to match the speed of travel of Jump Gates, but with much more freedom of movement, which has allowed them to appear where not expected, and as great speeds.   Furse Space is often just known as the ‘empire’ from within. The Furse Empire has risen and fall many times throughout the roughly thirty thousand years of recorded history. The belief throughout Furse Space is that the empire will always be reborn, a new High King will always rise to lead them in their time of need.   In the year 9,305, Furse Space is split between many different warring factions in the Skane Nebula, and Furia Nebula. The Star Kingdom of Fist in the Fist Star Cluster. The Star Kingdom of the Wanes in the Wane Star Cluster. The Kingdom of Highpass in the Highpass Star Cluster. The warring Star Kingdoms in the Bothina Star Cluster on the eastern edge of Furse Space with a border with the Techno Star Empire, and Ruthen Star Empire, and lastly the Furse Holds in the Dukkum Star Cluster in the north western edge of the Furia Nebula. The last stand outs of free Furse Star Systems in Old Furse Space.   The Star Kingdom of Fist, and the Star Kingdom of the Wanes are among the oldest and most powerful of the Star Kingdoms in Furse Space. Both founded thousands of years ago. The Star Kingdom of Fist survived in a weaken state after the end of the last Skoll invasion fourteen hundred years ago that saw the destruction of the Furse Star Empire, the conquest of the Furia Nebula by Caderyn ‘The Great’ Cerwyn Martel Starshield, and creation of the Old Ruins with the massive destruction left in the wake of the Skoll. The Star Kingdom of the Wanes survived in much better space, and with the old ancient world of Sigtuna, the last world settled by 1st Fleet that created the Furse culture.   The newly forged Star Kingdom of Highpass has spent much of it’s own history subjugated by the Star Kingdom of Fist, the Star Kingdom of the Wanes, or fighting among themselves until Hakon ‘Fairhair’ Goldfyre Ashrise Dawn united the warring Star Cluster under his own control. It has suffered many hardships, and even now is split between House Aegis Worth Honor, and subject to the Star Kingdom of Fist, and Star Kingdom of the Wanes with the death of King Rodger ‘Of Highpass’ Goldfyre Ashrise Dawn in the battle of Creek.   Another faction on the edge of Bolgar Space, in the Nakon Star Cluster on the souther edge of the Old Ruins plays a major role in Furse politics. The Imperial Guard of Jom, named after the last High King of the Furse Star Empire, who died to defeat, and end the Skoll threat to Furse, and Bolgar Space. The Skoll Galaxy Jump Gate was destroyed in the Star System which would become known as the Jom Star System where the High King Jom choose to fight the Skoll threat instead of the threat of Caderyn ‘The Great’ Cerwyn Martel Starshield who was ravaging the Furia Nebula.   For fourteen hundred years the descendant of the personal guard of High King Jom, and those who followed him against the Skoll have survived in the Jom Star System where they have fought in the Old Ruins of Furse Space to remove the threat of the Skoll left between, and serve as mercenaries in the service of lords throughout Furse Space, and Bolgar Space. Four hundred years since the last confirmed sighting of a Skoll in Furse Space, the Jom have played the role more often of king maker than that of the Skoll hunting, guardians of the Furse Star Empire that they were known as.   Known as strict, and loyal followers of the Old Ways, lords throughout Furse Space, and Bolgar Space send their young to the world of Jom where they serve. The Imperial Order of Jom rose as the last vestiges of the Furse Star Empire, and some even saw the small power as heirs to that namesake. The Imperial Order of Jom is among the smallest factions in Furse Space, and yet has one of the largest reach, and strength of any, even Star Kingdoms spanning Star Sectors, and whole Star Clusters. Because of the thousands of wards sent to them year after year, they are a great power, and great bridge between warring powers. Above all though they are known as mercenaries which will take contracts with any, and all who had pay their fee so long as it does not break their creed.   The Imperial Order of Jom have been seen as leading faction against the fight with the Fabian Faith, and Fabian Space itself, even though the Imperial Order of Jom is just as likely to take contracts with Fabian Lords as with Furse, or Bolgar Lords. It has often been the Imperial Lord Generals of the Jom which have called for attacks on Fabian Space, and the reclaiming of Old Furia, the old core star systems of the Furse Star Empire.   Furse Space strongly follow the Furse Faith, an ancestor worship which believes in reputation, and honor as core beliefs to Furse Culture along with strong ties to family, House, Clan, and Tribe. The Furse Faith has no centralized version of itself. One can travel from one edge of Furse Space to the other, and see Furse Faith worshipped in a hundred different ways, and yet share a common thread, and link. Each House will have their own ancestors they worship, but Honor, and reputation are some of the glues that bind them all together.   Over the years the Fabian Faith has tried to make inroads in converting the Furse, sending their priests, and bishops through contacts with those from the Furia Nebula who have largely converted, the Dukkum Star Cluster of the Furse Holds, and the Skane Nebula have long resisted those attempts, and it has often proved bloody, and deadly for those Fabians who overstay their welcome by trying to preach to others. The Furse can be surprisingly accepting of different faiths, and religions, but the wounds of the Fabian Faith against the Furse run deep.   The Furse are known for their famous Furse Potage. Soups, stews, and other pot cooked foods. Unique from one House to another, one starship to another. Some can be thought of as gruel, but they are a staple of the Furse hall culture. Often free for all to ensure everyone has a meal, it provides the basic needs. One could walk into any Inn and get a free bowl of Potage.   Each House, Clan, Building, Inn has their own recipe of Potage. Potage within the Imperial Guard is known as the ‘Black Broth’ and is famous even outside Furse Space. Said to be the meal of choice for Furse Warriors and tastes like shit.   House and Clans have recipes which are rather tasty and go back hundreds or thousands of years. Recipes are often heavily guarded secrets, and more than one war is known to have erupt over them.
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