The first conshisness Character in Chronicles | World Anvil
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The first conshisness

The First Consciousness, also known as the Great Spirit of the Mind, is a divine entity revered by scholars, mystics, and some philosophical circles. It is believed to be the source of all thought, reason, and consciousness in the universe.

The First Consciousness is said to reside in the realm of the mind, a place beyond the physical world where pure ideas and thoughts exist. This realm is said to be accessible only to the most enlightened beings and those who have honed their mental faculties to the highest degree.

The followers of the First Consciousness believe in the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment. They view the mind as the ultimate tool for exploring the universe and achieving a deeper understanding of reality. They also believe that through their mental pursuits, they can eventually become one with the First Consciousness, achieving a state of pure consciousness and becoming immortal.

The church of the First Consciousness is centered around libraries, schools, and academies where knowledge is sought and shared. The tenets of their faith include the pursuit of knowledge, the belief in the power of the mind, and the idea that the First Consciousness is the source of all consciousness and thought.


Artifacts associated with the First Consciousness include tomes of ancient wisdom, philosophical treatises, and mind-expanding substances. Their holy books and codes include works by great thinkers and philosophers, as well as their own sacred texts detailing their beliefs and practices.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The divine symbol of the First Consciousness is often depicted as a stylized representation of a human brain or a spiral, symbolizing the never-ending pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.


The holiday of the First Consciousness is celebrated annually on the day of the winter solstice, a time when the followers gather to meditate, contemplate, and share their wisdom with each other.


The first conshisness


Towards Cerus - First God of War

Cerus - First God of War


Towards The first conshisness


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