Iormfar Vele'nu - Female Ocean Warrior Ethnicity in Chronicles | World Anvil
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Iormfar Vele'nu - Female Ocean Warrior

Journal entry, Florianus, imperial scholar, in the 23rd year of the fifth age, on the topic of the Iormfar Vele'nu at the beginning of the first age.

I had the unique opportunity to study the Iormfar Vele’nu, once a tribe of fierce warrior women who inhabited the eastern coasts of the scorched lands. Their way of life was unlike anything I have ever seen before. They rejected fire and live in structures built of stone and shell, with intricate carvings and depictions of marine life.

Their culture was centered around strength, honor, and loyalty. The women were trained from a young age to be skilled warriors, and those who remained unmarried were trained to be the strongest and most ferocious of their race and continue their life as a warrior. Others were welcomed into the Vulcer Phar - Scorched Children, another ethnicity of their race to the West, upon marriage.

I was surprised to learn that they had very little in the way of funeral and memorial customs. When one of their own dies, usually in battle, the body was dissolved and the colorful remains were worn as body paint one last time into battle. It was strictly forbidden for men to enter their religious sites, and the punishment for breaking this taboo was death.

Despite their fierce reputation, the Iormfar Vele’nu were hospitable and gracious hosts. Their culture and way of life were truly unique and worthy of further study. I look forward to learning more about these fascinating women and their society.


Shared customary codes and values

As a member of the Iormfar Vele'nu, they would tell you that their culture values honor above all else. They lived by a strict code of conduct that demands strength, independence, loyalty, courage, and wisdom. These values were instilled in them from a young age, and they took great pride in upholding them.
They were a fierce warrior culture, and their cult of Velena was central to their way of life. Their women were trained from a young age to be skilled fighters, and they were known for their ability to take down ships with ease. Some of them also engaged in the traditional practice of abducting men to mate with, although many of them still prefered the old way of the gift of life from their godfather Iormfar, God of the Oceans.
Despite their reputation as fearsome warriors, they also valued intelligence and wisdom. Their elders were highly respected, and their knowledge was passed down through the generations. They may not have seen men as equals, but they recognize the value of alliances and strategic partnerships. They did not take these relationships lightly, and they expect the same level of loyalty and honor from their allies as they gave themselves.
Above all, they were fiercely independent. They did not bow to anyone, and they were not afraid to fight for what they believed in. Their home along the Skilo'hrak Gram - Ship Wreack Coast was a testament to their strength and resilience, and they would defend it at all costs. They were the Iormfar Vele'nu, and they were proud of who we were. 

Common Dress code

Their dress code was both practical and beautiful, designed to allow them to move freely while also showcasing their strength and grace. They wore garments made of lightweight, waterproof fabrics that were perfect for swimming and fighting. Their signature piece was the armored swimsuit, which consisted of a form-fitting bodysuit made of leather or scales, reinforced with metal plates to protect their vital organs.
Their hair was usually worn long, braided into intricate patterns with beads and shells.
Their jewelry was simple but elegant, made of gold or silver and decorated with images of sea creatures such as dolphins, seahorses, and sharks. They wore bracelets, necklaces, and earrings, often in sets of three to symbolize the three main values of our culture: honor, strength, and independence.
Overall, their dress was a reflection of who they were as a people: fierce, proud, and unafraid to show their strength and beauty to the world.

Art & Architecture

Their cities were unlike any other I have seen, for they built them almost entirely in the water. Their homes and buildings floated partly atop the waves, connected by bridges and walkways, with only a few outcrops on land for trading and other necessary activities. Their people had always been at one with the water, and they felt most at home when surrounded by its embrace.
Their architecture was beautiful and practical, designed with the unique needs of their aquatic society in mind. Their homes and buildings were made of sturdy materials that could withstand the ebb and flow of the tides, and their roofs were designed to collect rainwater for drinking and other uses. They adorned their buildings with intricate carvings and colorful murals that depicted there history and culture, and their streets were lined with beautiful gardens and flourishing plant life.
Despite their unique way of life, they were a proud and strong people, with a fierce warrior culture that had been passed down through the generations. Their cities were fortified with strong walls and watchtowers, and their people were always ready to defend their homes and way of life from any who would seek to harm them.
Though they may have seemed different from the land-dwelling folk, they share many of the same values, including honor, strength, loyalty, and courage. But above all, they value their independence and freedom and would stop at nothing to protect it.

Foods & Cuisine

In this community, cooking is more than just a way to prepare food—it is a sacred ritual that takes place in the temples. These structures are not just places of worship, but also communal kitchens where everyone comes together to prepare meals.
The centerpiece of each table in the temple is a long, flat bronze tub with a unique purpose. It is filled with the Venom of the Iorm Lokfar , a fearsome creature of the deep that the community reveres as a symbol of community and death. The venom is thick and viscous, with a deep green hue that glimmers in the light.
To activate the venom's heating properties, the community members crush shells and sprinkle them into the tub. The mixture triggers an exothermic reaction that generates intense heat, perfect for cooking food quickly and efficiently.
The Iorm Lokfar is a creature that the community holds in high esteem. They believe that preparing their food with its venom, and not distasteful fire, imbues them with the creature's resilience and vigor. As such, the process of cooking with its venom is viewed as a form of communion with the creature's spirit.
The community's reliance on the Iorm Lokfar for their cooking rituals has led to a close relationship between the priestess and the creature. The community also holds burial ceremonies to honor the creature and the deceased.
Overall, the community's cooking practices are not just a practical way to nourish themselves, but also a deeply spiritual and cultural activity that connects them to the natural world around them.

Coming of Age Rites

They took great pride in raising their daughters to be fierce warriors. From a young age, their girls were trained in combat and other essential skills that were necessary to survive and thrive in their coastal lifestyle. They taught them to be strong, independent, and to never back down from a fight.
Once their daughters reach adulthood, they face a significant decision. They could choose to remain unmarried and continue their life as a warrior, dedicating themselves entirely to the Iormfar Vele'nu culture, or they could choose to marry and leave their people. Those who decide to leave were welcomed by the Vulcer Phar - Scorched Children, another ethnicity of their race, who lived in the West.
For them, the choice to stay or leave was a deeply personal one, and they respect whatever decision their daughters made. However, they hoped that they would choose to remain with them and continue to uphold their traditions and way of life. They believed that their culture was unique and valuable, and they took great pride in passing it down from generation to generation.
Those daughters who choose to stay with them become respected members of their society and continue to hone their skills as warriors. They were admired for their strength, independence, and courage, and they were valued members of their community. They believed that by raising strong, capable women, they were ensuring the future of their people and their way of life.

Funerary and Memorial customs

For the Iormfar Vele’nu, death was not something to be mourned but celebrated as a warrior's ultimate triumph. When one of them fell in battle, they dissolved their body in urnes inlaid with mother of pearl using the Venom of the Iorm Lokfar and collect their colorful remains. They then mix the remains with a special resin and use it to create body paint. This paint was worn by their friends and family members as they went into battle one last time, representing the fallen warrior's final stand. As the paint washes away with the ocean, sweat, tears or blood, their remains were returned to the sea, where they will join the spirits of their ancestors in Htan - The Sea of Souls. It was a beautiful and sacred tradition, honoring their warriors' bravery and sacrifice.

Common Taboos

As members of the Iormfar Vele’nu, they held their religious sites as sacred and guarded places, where only women were allowed to enter. It was considered a severe taboo for any man to step foot on these holy grounds, and such an act was met with immediate and violent consequences. Those women warriors were fiercely protective of their traditions and would stop at nothing to uphold their customs and beliefs. The sacredness of their religious sites was a vital part of their culture and history, and they would not allow it to be desecrated by any means.

Major organizations

Skilo'hrak Gram - Ship Wreack Coast
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