Htan - The Sea of Souls Character in Chronicles | World Anvil
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Htan - The Sea of Souls

Htan is a frigid expanse of boundless and pristine souls that exist in a state of pure essence, free from the constraints of the physical world. It is the birthplace of all souls in your fictional world, a place where they go before being born into the living world. The souls that inhabit Htan are not conscious, but they contain within them the potential for great consciousness and self-awareness.

Htan is tended to by the Goddess of Death, who acts as a kind of gardener in this ethereal realm. She is responsible for cultivating the souls within Htan, ensuring that they are healthy and ready to be born into the living world. Her relationship with Htan is similar to that of a gardener and their garden, as she tends to the souls with a careful and loving hand.

Despite its seemingly idyllic nature, Htan is not without its dangers. The souls within it are vulnerable to corruption and decay, which can manifest as malevolent spirits or demons that seek to harm the living. The Goddess of Death is also tasked with keeping these dark forces at bay, protecting the souls within Htan from their influence.


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