Garthum - Elder Dragon of Earth Character in Chronicles | World Anvil
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Garthum - Elder Dragon of Earth (Älder Drägen of örf)

In the world of mining, the great dragon deity was a powerful force, revered by all who worked the earth. The rituals and ceremonies dedicated to him were of utmost importance to those who sought his protective influence. He was often depicted as a massive dragon covered in lush greenery, with tree roots and branches sprouting from his back. The dragon's presence was felt in the rumble of earthquakes.

The dragon's eyes were said to be like polished multifaceted emeralds, reflecting the sky and the world above. His relationship with the earth was so close that he was known as the "Kisser of the Ground," a symbol of his connection to the land. Deep canyons and caves were often considered sacred places in his honor, and features in the land were dedicated to him.

Not only was the dragon revered by those in the mining industry, but also by farmers and others who sought stability and grounding in their lives. The dragon's holy symbols included gems and mountains, as these were the very treasures that were extracted from the earth with his blessing.

Those who invoked the dragon's protection and guidance often sought to be grounded and connected to the earth, just like the dragon himself. It was said that by honoring the dragon and paying homage to him through ritual and ceremony, one could tap into the dragon's power and experience a greater sense of stability and strength in their own lives.

For those who worked the earth, the dragon was a powerful ally and a symbol of their connection to the land. By paying tribute to this great deity, they sought to honor and preserve the sacred relationship between the mortal races and the natural world.

Family Tree



Garthum - Elder Dragon of Earth


Towards Enlif - Goddess of Life

Enlif - Goddess of Life


Towards Garthum - Elder Dragon of Earth

Divine Classification

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