Carter Mitchell Character in Chicago, Montana | World Anvil
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Carter Mitchell

Operative Carter Mitchell

Carter is an operative for government agency, OASIS. He is one of the few members that was involved with organization before its dissolution in 1999. He is the second in command for the Northern Mountain cell of OASIS, and runs his own field team.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Fire magic - It is able to be used, offensively, defensively, and for utilitarian purposes

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Carter was born to hippie parents in Tacoma, WA in 1973. His mother, Teresa, abandoned the family in 1979 to "find herself". In 1987, Carter's father, Merl, died in a house fire. Arson was suspected, but never proven. Following that, Carter joined the New Mexico Military Academy as a freshman, using the life insurance money to pay tuition, and a recommendation from his uncle, a Major, to gain admittance. He was recruited by OASIS following graduation when it they became aware of his supernatural abilities.   He joined OASIS as a field agent in 1994, gaining respect and rank quickly with his ability to think on his feet, shoot straight, and keep the secrets of the organization. When the organization was disbanded in 1999, he joined the FBI and took a job as a Analyst.   When OASIS was reformed in 2017, he was one of the first operatives recruited, due to his skill and history. Since, his time has been split between recruiting and expanding the organization, and running down threats to public well-being.


New Mexico Military Academy (High School and Junior College), Graduate with Honors


OASIS, Field Agent - 1994-1999 FBI, Analyst - 1999-2006 FBI, Senior Analyst - 2006-2017 OASIS , Operative - 2017 - Present

Mental Trauma

Witnessed his father dying in a house fire when he was 14. He believe he may have started the fire in his sleep.

Intellectual Characteristics

Great lateral thinker. Good a thinking on his feet, and coming up solutions on the fly.



Chain smokes. When possible, he causes the cigarettes to light without using a lighter or match
Year of Birth
1973 45 Years old
Tacoma, WA
Character Prototype

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