The Winterberry Species in Chanirith | World Anvil
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The Winterberry

This wonderful plant is one of the few natural fruit bearing plants that grow naturally in the tundra wastes of Salward. It has a refreshing cinnamon taste. It has beautiful orange berries with bright green leaves making it stand out against the rest of the dreary landscape. The leaves of the winterberry can be made into a tea that can assist with hypothermia and frostbite by giving some of the natural warmth that lies within this plant into the drinker. If you drink it preemptively to going outside it will make you resistant to the dangers of the cold, and catching frostbite.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

It reproduces by dropping its berries once ripened, and the berries melt their way through the snow and ice until they reach the soil layer at which point it starts growing and using the water it melted out above it to create a new berry bush.

Growth Rate & Stages

After the berry reaches the soil level, the plant grows straight up through the ice with a small bushel of leaves at the tip until it bursts through the surrounding snow at which point it starts expanding outward.

Ecology and Habitats

Can grow pretty much anywhere as long as their is decent soil underneath the layer of snow.

Dietary Needs and Habits

just requires sunlight and water, which it makes by melting little pathways through the snow and ice around it.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Can be used to speed up recovery time from frostbite and hypothermia, and sometimes outright cure some cases that wouldn't have been able to have been fixed otherwise.
Scientific Name
Wibucus Berrius
Conservation Status
The winterberry is almost never found in the wild anymore, as many people have tried to transplant the berry bushes without much success. The plant is hardy to the weather but less so to human interaction. While not officially under protection of the government, at this point most common folk have grown to become incredibly protective over any bush they find leaving it where it is at and caring for it (that includes making sure other fools don't mess with the bush).

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