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Nevermelt Ice

This ice is found at the heart of glaciers, the bottom of massive frozen lakes, and deep inside the ice caps. This ice is incredibly tough and will not melt unless exposed to the most extreme heats (such as being thrust into the heart of a volcano. It was once incredibly common, enough so that entire houses were crafted out of it. While those structures are still standing nowadays nevermelt ice is much rarer. There are still some who search it out and will craft beautiful weapons and implements out of it. The novelty of the item has grown over time and is now found in only the richest or luckiest hands.


Material Characteristics

In its natural state it is a beautiful pale blue, completely opaque, and as hard as iron. It can be polished to a point of reflecting nearly as clearly as a mirror, but usually it is found in a somewhat reflective state while allowing its natural color to show through.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Nevermelt ice itself is very cold to the touch, and gives off a faint cold aura in its surrounding area. Due to this it is typically has a leather wrapping to avoid frostbite with the user. It is hard as iron, and will not melt even if thrust into the middle of a campfire.


Nevermelt ice is not used as alloy, but as the main material for anything that a metal or solid material can be used for. Not that its usually necessary, but nevermelt ice can be used to create cold boxes to keep meats frozen rather than salted, some rich people use them as ice cubes for specialty drinks. The Salwards have a winterberry soup called Winter's Chill that uses the nevermelt ice as a high end meal.

Geology & Geography

This ice is found at the heart of glaciers, the bottom of massive frozen lakes, and deep inside the ice caps.

Origin & Source

This ice is developed through extreme cold and pressure, along with large amounts of ice coalescing into one super condensed ice.

Life & Expiration

It is stable so long as note exposed to the most extreme heats.
Pale Blue naturally
Melting / Freezing Point
Always frozen below 1600 degree fahrenheit.
Common State

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