Griptin Technology / Science in Cesaret | World Anvil
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Griptin is a cure for a common disease called lihas. lihas doesn't affect common people to terribly, but those who have other sicknesses or conditions already. Pre condition that can react to the disease include Penyotik, the flue, and lipt. The original sickness affects the muscles. It put a temporary chemical in your body starting in the abs. It moves from their to the arms, then to the legs, then to the feet. Once it reaches the feet it will stay there. The affect of soreness fades away but the restore chemicals just stay in the foot and don't affect anything. For people who have conditions, the chemicals stick to ones already in the body. They react and flare up, spreading across the whole body at once causing permanent pain. Until now.


It is in a chewable. When you chew it it fills the mouth and causes extra saliva. The saliva with the medicine its swallowed and travels through the body. It realizes the chemical from the preexisting sicknesses and lets them run their corse into the feet. If you just swallow the pill it will keep the medicine inside of it and it will revise it in your stomach acid instead. It will separate the different parts of the acid and give you a stomach ache until they can mix together again.
Access & Availability
They are only in stores in Span, as the cure was created there. It's very expensive as well. But if you have the money and time, it's worth it.
Griptin was discovered by a group of doctors and scientists in the Span hospital. They were combining different medicines and plants together to find a cure for Penymotik. Instead they found one for lihas. They were doing research on separation chemicals to separate the bacteria from the heart, but when they tried it on a fake heart it did not work. They did a few more test on it, all unsuccessful. When a mother scientist came to inspect their work he looked into their medicine. He did a few of his own tests and found it separates chemicals from each other, not bacteria. They testes it on a young man with limas (Did this test of his own free will, aware of the chance consequences) He had a preexisting problem and the medicine did intact separate limas from his other problem. And so griptin was created.

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