Iron Night Character in Centurion | World Anvil
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Iron Night

The Grim Reaper of the slavers Xylo Unknown (a.k.a. Iron Night)

Iron Night is a drakonian crossbow slinging outlaw from the Eastern Continent. He and his human partner Chip are wanted (dead or alive) for liberating slaves in the Golden City and Trade City. While on the run, he earns his money by doing small mercenary jobs commissioned by anonymous clients.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Iron Night is tall and in a really muscular shape.

Body Features

He has dark grey and black scales and wears black feathers tied to his black thornlike ‚hair‘

Facial Features

His face seems like a normal shape for a Drakonian. He wears an iron mask to cover his maw however.

Physical quirks

He‘s got quick trigger fingers, good for shooting with his crossbow.

Special abilities

His scales make him hard to detect in the darkness, so he almost gets invisible at night.

Apparel & Accessories

Iron Night wears small iron plates underneath his long red-brown leather outfit. He carries all kinds of bolts on his arm straps, leg straps and his belt. His short cape is darkred and his iron mask protects and hides his maw. He only removes the lower plate of his mask when he eats or drinks. He’s wearing a black hat with bolts strapped around it but he only wears it in the cold and dark. All gifts from his partner Chip, besides the iron crossbow on his back.

Specialized Equipment

He‘s really good with a crossbow but he also wields a self crafted longsword made out of animal bones found in the desert. He made one for Chip too.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When he was a small hatchling called Xylo, he was taken in custody by a noble human from the Golden City. Little Xylo had private school as he grew up and never knew or found out who his real parents were until he was old enough to move out of the noble‘s mansion to find a home and a job for himself. When he found out what happened to his parents, it was already too late. They died, not because they were murdered but they got sick, too weak to go on after they got kicked out and weren’t able to find another job, staying homeless and scrapping for food and clean water in the slum district. Xylon worked at the stables outside the Golden City until he met Chip who needed help to free his wife and kids from the hands of the slave traders, at least that’s what he got told. As they thought of a plan to liberate the slaves in Trade City, they took the mounts from the stables, Chip had a spare of crossbows, volunteers and explosives to aid them in the plan too. With six men they successfully freed the slaves from their cages and they took down a bunch of slavers and slavetraders. But losses were made as four of them got killed and only Iron Night and Chip could escape and leave the city. Truth was that Chip lied about his family, he just wanted everyone to be free because he grew sick of being a slavetrader for less than a year. He never had a wife and children, since he is gay but he lied because he believed that almost everyone would feel more sympathy for a married father down in his luck instead of a bitter and vengeful gay single man. Xylon was given the nickname Iron Night on that night they escaped because the Drakonian was a good shot with the iron crossbow and because his black scales and head feathers blended well with the darkness, being unseen in the night.

Gender Identity

Xylon is a herm like all the other Drakonians but he refers to himself as a man.


Iron Night is bisexual but he also has the hots for women who can use a crossbow well.


He went to a private school run by a private noble teacher, he then was taught how to take care for himself and run his own business. That made Xylo choose to become a stable man raising mounts suited for long rides in the deserts.


As a stable man he earned quite the amount of money needed to live a normal life. After the liberation of the slaves in Trade City however, he had to leave that past behind and became a runaway crossbow for hire with Chip. It brings a little more money than his past job but the two are not able to rest easy anymore. Chip still believes there can be more done but they need time and friends.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Xylon, despite of not going to a public school, graduated with a score of 100 from 100 in his final exams. Afterwards he ran a good stable outside the Golden City and his human noble foster father was proud of him.

Mental Trauma

When young Xylon asked why he looked different from his foster father, he got told that he had his looks from his other parent but they died after they laid the egg so it was up to him to raise the child. Of course that was a half lie. He found out that both of his real parents died after he lived on his own but it was because they couldn‘t cure themselves from the illness they caught as homeless people in the slums. He felt regret and remorse but he couldn‘t do anything about it, it was hard for Xylon to deal with the loss of his real parents, he then avoided his foster father as good as he could.

Morality & Philosophy

Iron Night has a hard time trusting people, especially because he was mostly lied to in his life. He keeps his distance and rarely warms up to a person after he finds out the truth.

Personality Characteristics


Iron Night‘s dream was to be reunited with his real family but when he found out they were already dead due to a sickness, his only motivation was to move on and live a safe and easy life, independent from his former human noble foster father, until he met Chip.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He’s extremely good at shooting, treating animals well and bringing a lot of luck to himself and others. He’s got very poor social skills and can’t tell when someone is lying or trying to use him. His distrust doesn’t help much either.

Likes & Dislikes

He likes: Wide range weapons and ballistic weapons, women who can handle their own, nothing else for now. He dislikes: Nobles, lies, betrayal, strangers and murder.

Virtues & Personality perks

He can channel his inner anger easily and doesn‘t get ballistic immediately when being provoked. His low deep voice also seems to be arousing to a lot of people. And even in violent and chaotic situations, Iron Night keeps his calm and punches and shoots with precise aim.

Vices & Personality flaws

He doesn‘t warm up easily, he has poor social skills from living alone with his foster father most of the time, he barely smiles since there‘s nothing much to smile about in his opinion.

Personality Quirks

When holding a crossbow or a sword, he tends to spin it on his hand with his fingers while waiting patiently.


Iron Night often tends to smell like muck or swamp gunk, but that‘s because in the Eastern Continent there are clean water accesses for nobles and rich people only so he can only use dirty water.


Contacts & Relations

His current contacts are the anonymous clients and his human partner Chip. He aborted any contact with his former human noble foster father.

Family Ties

He had real parents but he never knew of them until it was too late. Little is known wether Iron Night aka Xylon has other relatives somewhere.

Religious Views

He doesn‘t have any strong religious views, but sometimes he mentions the Lifemaker from time to time.

Social Aptitude

Cold, distant and distrustful on the outside, kindhearted, caring and wanted on the inside.


Iron doesn‘t talk much. Ever since he met Chip, he lets his partner do the talk. He almost always talks a bit monotone, quiet but is direct.

Hobbies & Pets

His mounts that he kept in his stables until being sold were his only hobbies before Iron discovered he‘s very good with a crossbow.


Iron has a soft low pitched deep voice and often times he speaks quitely but directly, if he has to talk that is.

Wealth & Financial state

Iron Night used to have his own stables he attended to an earned some good money with it. However after he and Chip were wanted for freeing the slaves in Trade City and later in Golden City, he had to give it up to live as a freelancer mercenary to still earn some money to live, for their luck it brings more money.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Grim Reaper of the slavers, given by the freed slaves and Chip.
Year of Birth
1966 DeE 53 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
He was hatched in the Golden City and his parents worked for a noble as housekeepers. He wasn‘t planned yet since they wanted to have hatchlings after they found a better job for themselves but it came to it and the noble took the child in custody.
Golden City
Current Residence
Somewhere in the Eastern Kingdom deserts.
Light grey
Iron has long black feathers attached to his long black hairlike thorns with strings
He‘s about 1,85m tall minus his hat.
He weighs 85kg with his tail included.
Quotes & Catchphrases
„Walk it off.“, „Do you like the new flesh wounds?“, „A loaded crossbow is always the best defense.“
Known Languages
Common, drakonish, naganese, gob, orcish and gnollish
Character Prototype
Erron Black from Mortal Kombat X

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