Ialuto Organization in Central Haven | World Anvil
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Ialuto is the religion of the Aeqular kingdom. Those that follow Ialuto believe that there are two gods. Iton is the male and Idona is the female. They are held as equals, holding things in balance. When things are thrown out of balance that is when trouble starts. There is a focus on working together but that everyone has their own place in the world.   These are the covenants that they try to live by.   Thou shall not kill   Strive to bring no harm to others.   Respect others no matter what they are.   You shall not lie, spread false hoods, deceive or spread rumors.   Do not covet what is not yours.   Thou shall not steal   Do your duty   No idleness   Seek knowledge   Care for those that are less fortunate.     Each member of the royal family of Aeqular are taken to a monastery that is close to the capital. Each royal child spends four years in the monastery. The earliest they can be sent is 8 and the oldest is 10. In the monastery they are treated and expected to do exactly like the monks or nuns do. They do this so they know how to do the ceremony that they do every two years to help maintain the balance and prosperity of the kingdom.   For the rest of the Aeqular kingdom they are encouraged to do at least one year in the monastery or temples when they are 10. There are a few that chose to not to but the majority do. Many that do it chose to do more then a year and a few decide that it is their duty in life.   Because of the charge to seek knowledge every city, town and village has a library. Also many Aeqular elves are known to be explorers and help fill the libraries. Also along with the libraries there are temples to Iton and Idona. There the elves take offerings to the temples either weekly or monthly.   There each year two holidays. One for new year which they also celebrate as the union of the two gods Iton and Idona. In this celebration the elves on the last day of the year gather in huge groups. They split between male and female in the morning. The males tend to their normal chores but avoid the females. The females do the same. Then at sundown they meet with a line dividing them. Once the sun has set they begin a dance that slowly mixes females and males till they are all together. They then dance, eat and games for all ages. They celebrate until the sunrises.   The other holiday is celebrating the harvest and prosperity of their land. This is celebrated with lots of food and time spent either at temples or with family.   Every two years the prosperity ceremony which is when everyone gathers their excess and finds those that have less and give it to them.

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