Folve Ianrora Character in Central Haven | World Anvil
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Folve Ianrora

Folve Ianrora lived and was the High Priest of the Ialuto religion when the things in the Aeqular Kingdom were dire. The king had just died and the two oldest princes, who were twins, were fighting over the kingdom. Their fight over who was to be the next king was spilling from just the elite to everyone. As Folve saw this he felt that the princes were neglecting their responsibility to Iton and Idona their gods. The ones that help keep balance and prosperity with in the kingdom. So according Folve’s own journals he went to Aeqularis temple, into the archives held there to see if there was something he could do. As he searched he learned that even the priest and elders of Ialuto had strayed from what had been set forth from the first King and Queen of Aeqular. So Folve to it upon himself to educate the other priests, priestess, monks and sisters of what he had learned.   Due to Folve’s natural leadership skills, and charisma he was able to enlist all of the Ialuto priesthood to help reform the church into what Folve called the Iton, Idona balance. One of the tasks that was his highest priority was to meet with the Aeqular princes. It took Folve two months before both would agree to meet with him. During this meeting Folve was able to convince the princes to not go to war and to each spend two years at Aeqularis. This was the start of the royal family spending four years at Aeqularis as monks or sisters.   Through this Folve reform they encouraged all the people of the Aeqular kingdom to spend a month or two at one of the monasteries in the kingdom. Through the years since that has been extended to one year at the age of 10. Folve also reestablished several festivals that had been forgotten by the people.   Many Aeqularians attribute Folve Ianrora with turning around the Ialuto religion and saving the kingdom from a what would have most likely have been a very bloody civil war.

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