Conflict Military Conflict in Central Haven | World Anvil
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So many thousands of years the world would cycle through 500 years of war and destruction. There would be alliances made and then torn apart. Nations and kingdoms would war with each other. Then they would spend another 500 years at an uneasy peace. There had been three world wars that divided sometime continents. Mostly the wars were either a bid for more land and power or to try and rid the world of one kind of ethic group.   The last major conflict was on Lafliuton between it’s three kingdoms of Tavell, Priria and Edgestarlins. During this Lafliuton civil war which during the last battle nearly killed all of the native Lafliutons, Nucrana or the Uska republic was attempting to take over Efren. Some say the Uska republic might have succeeded if the Efren kingdoms of Aeqular, Slirene, and Zakido were not closely watching the destruction on Lafliuton.   Many scholars say that the Uska republic had a hand in starting the Lafliuton civil war in an effort to get rid of all shifters and halves. So while that war was going on the Uska republic with out the knowledge of their country men was funding the Lafliuton civil war and keeping rumors going about. Many of the other countries and kingdoms tried to stay out of it. While the kingdom of Zakido decided to send in a spies to find out why so many ships from Nucrana were going to Lafliuton. Zakido’s royal’s were worried about the conflict spreading and getting worse. The most well known of these spies were Elwin and Kali Iarwynn. This spy couple where able to find out that the Uska republic leaders were hoping that the Lafliuton kingdoms would wipe themselves out. They also discovered a plot to attack and kill two of the royal princess of the Aeqular and Slirene kingdoms and blame Zakido. Once they discovered this they rushed back to tell the others but ran out of time and ended up saving the two princes instead. During this rescue however Kali was severely injured and later ended up dying in the Aeqlar kingdom. Her husband Elwin explained the situation to both the Aeqular and Slirene while they were still on the coast. All three princes of the kingdoms decided that they didn’t want any more war and took action. The three kingdoms went to the bridges closet to Nucrana boarder and destroyed it. Then worked their way backward. Once this was done they sent word to all other kingdoms, republics and coalitions that they were now an off limits area.   Elwin and several others from the three kingdoms spies, merchants, magiolgist and sailors too it upon themselves to travel. To tell the other lands of Efren kingdoms choice and to stop the other wars, some that the Uska republic had a hand in. In doing this they were not able to return to Efren and understood this before they left.   Because of this Uska republic underhandedness and thirst for war and destruction, several things happened. First the Nucrana republic was formed and took more then half of the people of the continent. Second after the huge battle on the western part of Lafliuton their kingdoms drew up a peace treaty. Even though there were many in Edgestarlin that wanted to attack the Uska republic for their meddling. The Edgestarlin royal’s pointed out that the best revenge would be to live and breed. Third it showed the other governments the price that would be paid if things got out of hand.   So while there are still battles and a few wars every few hundred years or so most things are settled and peaceful.

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