Almatta Language in Centoria | World Anvil
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Almatta was the first attempt at a common language between different humanoid races. Taking place in early history, it is theorized to have been created by Baharta, the person believed to have been the first bard. When it was first introduced to the culture of Centoria the creator also released a translation guide for most of the languages that were in existence at the time. It is theorized that the purpose behind the creation of a universal language was to reduce the frequency of inter race conflict.  


In an attempt to appeal to a wider selection of people the language was made completely from scratch, it didn't adapt an alphabet, written or verbal, from any other language in existence. While that made it theoretically possible for everyone to be able to learn it, with no similar language, no one culture could adapt it easily allowing it to spread faster. Additionally, the vocalizations for the language were not uniform and ranged from very high pitch to very low pitch, as a result it seemed no one race could properly recreate the full range of vocalizations.  


While the language was difficult to master it did become wider spread at one point but quickly lost favor due to the numerous problems with the language itself. Eventually the language completely died out from relevant culture, with only a few small subsections of the population continuing to use it. Despite this Almatta is credited with being the launching pad for the current common language in both spirit and structure. Almatta's alphabet has been adapted and the vocalizations have been limited in its transformation into another language. By making the language less accommodating for all races it has in fact become more accommodating.

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