Illish Geographic Location in Carracosta | World Anvil
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Most of you originate from Illish, a small nation in the Old World known for its temperate climate and tall, frigid mountain peaks. Their sigil is a silver, six legged horse on a black field surrounded by silver stars. (See: Illish Warhorse ) Illish has a relatively small ground army, but is in possession of an excellent naval force.


The entire landmass is bisected by two large rivers that originate in the mountain range in the north. The river that flows north through Rorik's vale has been named the shar while the river flowing south separating Eastpeak from the Westerlands is named the selune. The fresh water selune meets with ocean water in Eastpeak Bay just beyond the city of Ramsgate.
The northern side of the continent is a beautiful autumnal forest region, a beauty that is only enhanced by its seemingly endless pleasant, though often overcast weather.
  South of the mountain range lies the mistwoods and beyond that, the Westerlands. It is here that wild Illish Warhorses still graze on the lush green hills and grasslands. In the far west lie the Iron Cliffs, tall, sharp structures with equally sharp rocks below them. Further east beyond the capital of Kolk are the pineforest wolfwoods, split in half by the Eastpeak Bay.
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