Illish Warhorse Species in Carracosta | World Anvil
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Illish Warhorse

Sure-Footed: The Illish Warhorse has advantage on Strength and Dexterity Saving Throws made against Effects that would knock it prone.
The Illish Warhorse is known throughout the civilized world as the signature mount of the Illish.

Basic Information


Illish warhorses are broad, muscular horses. Their coats are thick, soft and partially water-repellent, providing them and their rider with warmth in the harsh Illish' winters.   Their most unique feature by far are a set of six legs that provide the horse with excellent grip and sure-footed-ness.

Growth Rate & Stages

These beasts grow almost unnaturally fast and most Illish Warhorses are fully trained for combat by the age of 1.

Ecology and Habitats

While an Illish Warhose thrives in the cold of the Illish mountains, they have proven themselves capable of adaptation when the Illish began colonizing the eastern continents. When exposed to dry or humid heat, they shed their thick coats, leaving behind a gleaming short fur.

Dietary Needs and Habits

These massive beasts require one-and-a-half times the amount of food a regular horse does to keep going. Despite their enormous size, their temperament is very gentle and they are surprisingly intelligent.
Illish Warhorse II
Scientific Name
Equites Sescenti [Horse of Six Hooves]
Sleipnir by x-celebril-x

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