Altena Settlement in Carina | World Anvil
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Altena is a small mining town. Although it is within the border of Isendree, it is very close to both Arenoo and Kiranin. Despite the mines being the only source of income for the townspeople, the town itself gets most of its money from tourists, who come to look at the Treaty of Altena. This treaty ended the Narog Border Dispute, which almost destroyed the town. Each member of the treaty has a copy and the original is held in the town hall at Altena. Another copy is on display at the small museum that was erected to commemorate the event in 596 AnCog at the 50 year anniversary of the signing of the treaty.


Because Altena is so close to the border with Arenoo many of the miners and their families are of Arenorrian descent. These members make up about 70% of the population. After that about 25% of the community are Isendreen and 5% are Kirani. These are generalizations though and do not account for varying ethnicities within these nationalities.    Very few members of the community work outside of the mines. There are a few government jobs, one teaching position, a general store, and a small tavern , but these positions are very exclusive in their hiring and favor Isendreen and Kirani workers over the Arenorrians.


There are two groups that vie for control over Altena, the town government and the International Mining Guild. Technically the guild has control over the mines and the government over the town itself but there are very few checks and balances to keep the guild out of the town and the town out of the mines.


Altena sits high up in the Narog Mountains near the Isendreen boarders with Kiranin and Arenoo. From town, you can climb Isendree's high peak, Mt. Kadan. The town is also very close to the Nindaran Pass, where many of the towns tourists come from.
Founding Date
561 AnCog
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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