Mamma Vesta Character in Cardsdale - world of “The Chronicles of Love” book series | World Anvil
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Mamma Vesta

Mother of the Kingdom of Diamonds, Vesta Goddess of the Hearth (a.k.a. “Mamma Vesta”)

Divine Domains

vesta was the goddess, in presided over the hearth and home in what was the Ancient Empire of Diamonds (adjacent to Ancient Rome). unlike her brothers, Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto, she was never married or had any biological children.


she was mainly represented by a flame, which represented the vitality of the whole empire. this is the reason why her priestesses had to keep the fire burning.

Holy Books & Codes

vesta was mentioned in "The Aeniad" as part of the foundation story Ancint Rome, which is the real life inspiration for the Ancient Empire of Diamonds.

Tenets of Faith

vesta's "daughters" had to be "pure" and chaste like her because their chastity symbolized the wellbeing of the whole empire. they would be sentenced to death by burrial if they were found to be unpure. this is the reason why she was deeply concerned, but benevolent when the youngest of her "daughters" admitted to being impure in the chonicles of love because she knew that the future king of diamonds was going to be born of that forbidden union.


vesta's main holiday was her "birthday", the Vestalia from the 7-15 of June. This holiday was the only time where the doors of her temple were allowed to be opened for girls and women to offer their sacrifices. vesta would trade a blessing for the mothers in the Ancient Empire of Diamonds for offering if the women went into the temple barefoot. vesta's favourite animal was the donkey, and it was honoured on june 9th by covering it in flowers and breadcrumbs the last day was generally a day for mouring among the clergy as the curtain and gates to vesta's temple were closed off again and the temple had to undergo a cleaning ritual.

Physical Description

Body Features

vesta was a tall woman, whose flames were able to float when her "daughters" needed.

Facial Features

Vesta had tanned or "sun kissed" skin and caramel coloured eyes since she was portrayed differently in the book series i'm writing,

Special abilities

Vesta's special abilities in the chonicles of love series included teleportation to help lost spirits get to the afterlife or to transport the wills she deemed worthy of changing, blasting people with fireballs. unlike her real life mythogical counterpart, she had the ability of talking to her priestesses, the ability to float over to them when they needed her without burning her temple in the process and had the ability to have hologram projections of lost spirits.

Apparel & Accessories

Unlike her real life mythological counterpart, Vesta is portrayed as a goddess / human hybred in the chronicles of love series. she wore a long red, orange, and yellow skirt in the shape of her flames. vesta also wore a cream coloured croptop. her accessories included gold jewllary

Specialized Equipment

vesta usually carries a torch

Mental characteristics


in actual roman myth, vesta asked her brother not to marry her off to anyone after the war with the titans was over and he became king of the gods. jupiter thought this was the most honourable thing she could have asked for, and so gave her one of the most important roles. in both her actual story and the first phase of The chornicles of Love series, she didn't want to get married or have illegitimate children with any humans because Vesta had seen the troubles that her siblings faced because of their love affairs. unlike the actual story however, she took on a "motherly" role for her priestesses. the most notible example in the "Chronicles of Love" is that she was a mother figure to Sara Vargas, one of the duotagonists in the start of the series and she showed co ncern when sara admitted to breaking her vows of chastity instead of condemning her like the rest of the Vestals did.


as mentioned before, vesta served as a mother figure to her priestesses in the "Chronicles of Love". she mentored them, so they could take care of her sacred flames that kept the Ancient Empire of Diamonds alive. vesta also notabely helped Sara, her youngest "daughter" to save the Empire under king Romulus's reign as his second wife and Sara's stepmother Clotilde had destablized the order in which it was prior to her becoming queen. vesta's job also included changing wills if she deemed it necesary in the series, and guiding spirits to the Elysian Fields in the real life myth and the "Chronicles of Love".

Accomplishments & Achievements

vesta's biggest achievement but also her biggest downfall had been that of taking part in clotilde bonnefoy's defeat. on the one hand, it was an a good thing because clotilde had caused so much harm to her kingdom. this harm included being an unlawful wife and queen but also a cold blooded murderer. The downside to this achievement on vesta's part was that she unknowingly caused a deadly feud between Antonio, her would be "son in law"and Roger Bonnefoy, Clotilde's son that would last until Dante Vargas came of age and took his rightful place as king of diamonds. this feud would cause a lot of grief for everyone involved, including her "daughter", Sara.

Mental Trauma

Vesta had trauma, having been the first of 8 children to be eaten by her father Saturn. she had also seen what marriage did to her family, having fought alongside her mother, Ops and her siblings against her father, Saturn. she also saw her siblings in bad relatioships and all kinds of love drama. this again is why she never got married.
Divine Classification
Current Status
Date of Birth
7th of June
753 476
Circumstances of Birth
Her father ate her as soon as she was born, but her brother Jupiter freed her when he came of age and needed her help in the battle against the titans
Circumstances of Death
Her cult was destroyed when Christianity dominated the kingdom in which she presided over
Ancient Empire of Diamonds
Place of Death
Ancient Empire of Diamonds
Current Residence
Elysian fields
She has brown eyes
The colour of flames (red, orange and yellow)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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