Anomaly Physical / Metaphysical Law in Calradia | World Anvil
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"Wicked phenomenon, yes? But, you know, it’s not any more "evil" than, say… fire. It all depends on your point of view." - Khan

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. video game series
Anomalies are hazardous remnants of the Calamity, warps in the material plane where the weird and unknown bleed through the still fresh cracks in reality. Though they come in all shapes and sizes, these are the most notable for their deadly nature.

Flame-based anomalies


The Burner can be a bit difficult to see, even in daylight, as it's only revealed by a faint heat haze. If the anomaly is triggered by either a living being or an object such as a metal bolt, it shoots out a tall pillar of flame in the air, burning everything in its vicinity.   Though somewhat rare, the Burner anomaly is often found in clusters. Some clusters also emit extreme high ambient temperature, which hurts anything in their vicinity. Burners can emit temperatures as low as 100 degrees Celsius, up to several thousand, hot enough to crack concrete and melt metal, which explains why some Burners appear in areas that have massive cracks and severe damaged soil, while other sites are untouched.  


The Comet anomaly functions much like a Burner anomaly in that it deals fire damage on close contact, but with a key difference in that the Comet is always aflame and mobile, hovering around within a certain area at a rapid pace.   The Comet anomaly, unlike the Burner, is extremely powerful: it can kill even a well-protected adventurer if he gets hit directly.

Gravity-based anomalies


A vortex remains stationary throughout its lifetime (a week on average). Easily recognizable in daylight by the air fluctuation above, dancing leaves, fragments of dismembered corpses lying around and a distinctive dark stain in the centre. Highly dangerous at night since it can be revealed only by means of a detector or by throwing objects into it.   When triggered, the tremendous power of the Vortex drags everything within the radius 5-10 meters towards the centre. Victims drawn into the core have little to no chance of survival: their bodies are quickly constricted into a tight lump, only to be blown up in a powerful discharge of energy a moment later. In some cases, they may levitate in air with agony, and soon their entire systems are shredded into mere skeletal and flesh parts.  


A Springboard is an unstable gravitational field limited to a pocket on ground level, about 1-2 meters wide. Reacts to the presence of creatures or objects by sending out a powerful shockwave that damages anything within radius. The damage caused by this changes throughout the anomaly's lifetime, ranging from minor bruises through to serious wounds.   To the naked eye, the anomaly appears as a rippling heat haze or air fluctuation accompanied by dancing leaves and sometimes crimson-colored stains on the ground. Throwing a bolt into a Springboard causes it to send out its distinctive shockwave, making it easily identifiable. As creatures approach a Springboard their vision becomes gradually but markedly brighter as they get closer to the anomaly itself. Springboards can also be distinguished by their sound; a cluster of these anomalies produces a loud, continuous tremoring noise, similar to an earthquake.  


A common and dangerous anomaly, which snatches its victims up in the air and spins them at a breakneck speed. The anomaly can be recognized by a light whirlwind of dust above and by body fragments scattered in the vicinity. Victims caught on its outer rim, far enough from the maximum effect zone at the centre, can escape the Whirligig with relatively minor injuries.  


A relatively harmless anomaly, temporarily negating normal gravity. Manifests itself as an area - usually several meters in diameter - where the planet's gravitational pull is greatly reduced. Can typically be spotted by unusually large debris floating like dust particles over an area. Most harm caused by this anomaly is self inflicted: jumping too high while in it's field before leaving it's influence and falling back to the ground.

Chemical-based anomalies

Fruit Punch

The Fruit Punch is a puddle of lambent green liquid that is easily visible in almost any environment due to its bright glow and distinctive hissing and bubbling noises. On contact with creatures or objects such as bolts, a Fruit Punch lights up brightly and emits a sharp hissing sound. It is extremely corrosive, damaging creatures and objects on contact. Any matter left in a Fruit Punch will eventually dissolve, hinting at the anomaly's corrosive nature and spelling doom for any protective suit.  

Burnt Fuzz

This anomaly is usually found outdoors. It resembles moss or vines, hanging down like curtains from its growing spot. Reacts to rapidly approaching living beings by discharging a cloud of acid severely injuring uncovered or lightly protected skin upon contact. Does not react to slowly moving targets. Burnt Fuzz is generally considered the least dangerous anomaly since it can be easily spotted and avoided.  


Not always easy to spot, this anomaly is recognizable by the green gas clouds floating and wandering over the ground. If one approaches, vision turns green and a hissing noise can be heard. When triggered by metal objects or organic tissue, it emits acidic compounds, splashing them around in its vicinity.  

Rusty hair

Particularly troublesome but not otherwise deadly, Rusty Hair causes all metal surfaces to gradually accumulate the so-called hair when touched against it, rendering it useless in a short span of time. The hairs are sharp and brittle, and touching Rusty Hair without protection is very painful for any party involved.

Electricity-based anomalies


An anomalous formation, roughly 10 meters in diameter, accumulating large quantities of static electricity. When triggered, the anomaly bursts into a storm of arcing electricity nearly always lethal to creatures. Easily recognizable by the blue gas it emits, along with the endless arcing of small bolts of electricity in the vicinity, the Electro holds no distinction for what crosses its event horizon.   The Electro is always in clusters and often located in tightly confined spaces, although clusters out in the open with a spacing of one meter or more between neighbouring Electros have also been recorded. They are easily avoided when outdoors, and at their most dangerous in confined areas.  


The Tesla anomaly functions much like an Electro anomaly and deals electric damage, with the difference is that the Tesla is mobile. In that sense, it's the Electro's equivalent of the Comet. It takes the appearance of a fast-moving ball of pure electricity. It can be said the Tesla is the evolved or greater form of an Electro. It's possible that a particularly large or intense Electro anomaly went undisturbed or built up a massive charge for an extensive amount of time and became mobile as a result, either to discharge its built up energy or to 'hunt' for targets or prey.

Reality-altering anomalies

Space Anomaly

The Space Anomaly is truly the ultimate result of the Calamity's instability as it alters the very fabric of reality and distorts time and space, seemingly creating miniature wormholes which teleports anything that touches it to another spot or creating a loop in reality that traps anyone unlucky enough to be inside it. In the latter case, the Space Anomaly forms a bubble of sorts; everyone inside it occupies the affected area, but within a separate dimension. When they reach the boundary of that area, they are instantly returned to their starting point. There is only one point of exit and its location is not readily apparent, thus unfortunate ones can be trapped for eternity unless they happen to find the exit by chance.   Navigating a Space Anomaly can be made much easier if it's "compass" can be found; an alien, pitch black spherical object with seemingly random protrusions of glowing hexagons reaching out to varying and ever changing lengths. If it can be handled properly a compass can also be used to locate gaps in anomaly fields, helping one traverse the most complex anomaly fields completely unharmed.  


An uncommon anomaly found in very few locations throughout the world. Harmless in nature, contact with the Teleport causes one to be transported to another location.

Mental-based anomalies


The Symbiont anomaly is easily recognisable from a distance by the jagged rock claws surrounding it, and the warped trees nearby. The ground within the anomaly is cracked and collapsed downwards slightly, forming several distinct rings. Burner anomalies can be found within these cracks. In the centre, the ground has completely collapsed, and gravitational anomalies can be found here. Making it especially dangerous is its inherent psi properties - it projects illusions of monsters into the minds of creatures nearby.
Metaphysical, Astral

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