Welcome to Dark Water Report Report in Call of Cthulhu 7e | World Anvil
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Welcome to Dark Water Report

General Summary

After meeting at a local speakeasy in Rockport, MA you all took on the job of investigating why the Rockport Fishing Company’s latest shipment from the island of Dark Water is two weeks overdue. Your contact told you that they haven’t had radio contact from the island since then and that the man to meet on the island was one Gil Reeds. Captain Oliver Gibson was your ride to Dark Water. On the way he shared with you that the island is “a cursed place” and that the locals don’t like “mainlanders”. He dropped you off outside the cove in a rowboat and said he would meet you back at that spot in 24 hours time and would wait up to two hours, leaving you up until 2pm tomorrow to figure things out and take your leave.   You were met by the harbourmaster, Everett Weighman, as you rowed in. You decided to leave your oars with him under lock and key in his office. He pointed you to the fish processing factory and your investigation was underway.   Upon arriving at the factory, the front office secretary Veronica told you that Mr. Reeds was unavailable for now and that you would have to come back at some other point. You don’t completely buy what she said. You mused about a late night entry and noted that the only security currently observable was the tall chain link fence and gate.   Your next stop was the Whale Bone tavern where upon entering you were greeted with the most awkward silences ever as the smattering of patrons and staff stared you down. Things eased once you each bought a drink, but the young serving girl, Mary, was still staring until the bartender yelled at her to get back to work after which she scurried off into a backroom. You were able to learn from a local that the boat the factory uses, the Lady of Dark Water, is currently out of operation. You each rented a room for the night and the bartender told you to make sure you stay in your rooms overnight because the night fog is dangerous.   You next looked around on the Lady of Dark Water, the boat run by Gil Reeds for bringing the factory’s shipments to the mainland. You discovered in a lockbox in the captain’s quarters a note with a radio frequency and a note with weekly dates ending two weeks ago. When you went to the wheelhouse to try and use the radio you discovered that the ship’s radio had been smashed but there were no signs of a struggle.   You next went to the police station and met Chief Wilkins and Lieutenant Hopkins. You managed to convince the chief that Tonan was his replacement but the lieutenant didn’t seem like he believed you. The lieutenant told you that Gil was a normal guy. Right when the chief was about to start talking about Gil to you, the lieutenant really quickly and sketchily cut him off and ended the conversation.   Continuing your investigation, you decided the next place to look would be the radio house, which according to the lieutenant has no staff and isn’t really used since the mainland and the island don’t really talk with each other. You met Paul and his coworker who run the bus to and from town for St. Elizabeth’s Hospital and they agreed to take you up to the turnoff for the lighthouse and radio house.
The Most Merciful Thing
William King
Author William "B. K." King ( 57 / Male ) from Chicago
Anderson Bartelle
Bouncer of a Speakeasy Anderson Bartelle ( 25 / Male ) from Rockport, MA
Andrew Anderson
Private Detective Place Holder ( 31 / Male ) from Philadelphia
Tonan Barbados
Photographer Tonan Barbados ( 28 / Male ) from Portland, Maine
Police Detective John Smith ( 35 / Male ) from Arkham, MA
Report Date
24 Feb 2023
Primary Location
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