Caido The Blight

The Blight

Plague / Epidemic


A sickness has taken over the The Greatwood, called The Blight.   Learn more about it.

  • A wounded Undine appears in the Crimson Cataract Cataract! Through the healing efforts of all those in attendance as well as by Arduinna, she has been healed of the blight!
  • Much research is being done on the blight, including efforts made by Phoebe in {PQ} Discovering Diseases. No conclusive answers have been found, though many attempts have been made.
  • The culmination of events in {KQ} i wanna give you back the open sky lead to Jigano and Amalia finding a dying Tulmhainar. In an effort to let the creature see the stars one last time Safrin created a shaft through the center of the Spire. As she did so, she contracted the blight which subsequently passed it onto Ronin as well.
  • For some reason, Amalia, Deimos, Ronin, and Remi Taliesin head back into the basement of the Spire in {KQ} change the tides. The thinking is that since Safrin became ill after falling into the Spire and being around the poisonous plants, maybe those are the cause of the blight. Though the group clears the plants, the blight continues unaffected. Oh, and the walls and ceiling crumble.
  • The blight continues, symptoms growing worse and worse until Vi intervenes after months of silence with rose-planting tasks for both Grounders and Fae alike. The combination of roses planted as well as a sacrifice from Arduinna is enough to cleanse all those infected with the blight.
  • Amalia learned that even gods could go blight mad, finding herself attacked by Safrin when she came to try and get the goddess to prick her finger on one of Vi's roses.
  • Given the developments that the ascended were the method by which the blight was spread (oops), Queen Wessex offers the ascended for flower-planting guards and begins prep for LongNight