Stella Erratica Geographic Location in Caelesti Novus | World Anvil
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Stella Erratica

Inside the Caelesti System sits two planetary bodies, a planet, and its moon. The planet is known as Stella Erratica and the moon is known as Sidus Lunam. Both of these bodies were created in the year 100 CSID(Caelesti's Interstellar Drift) by the God Imperium to be his throne proceeding over the interstellar domain.


Stella Erratica

The planet of Stella Erratica can hardly be called a normal terrestrial planet. Its size alone rival that of the largest gas giants, but the gravity on the ground is like that of an average rocky planet's 10m/s. On the surface, the tens of billions of kilometers of land are broken down into 42 different areas falling under 11 biomes. These biomes include grasslands, mountains, seas, deserts, cavern networks, and floating mountains. On top of all the biomes live a variety of fauna that split into three different categories, those being Megafauna, Chimera, and Metaphysiology.  

Biomes and Areas

Cavern Networks
1)Inanis Cavern   Crystal Landscapes
1)Lux Crystal
2)Tenebris Crystal   Deserts
1)Western Barrens
2)Northern Barrens   Flouting Mountains
1)Quassus Rapax Drifting Mountains   Forets
1)Giant Northern Oak Forest
2)Giant Southern Oak Forest
3)Huntress's Woods
4)Forbidden Grove
5)Heaven's Woods   Grasslands
1)Greater Colossal Plateau
2)Lessor Colossal Plateau
3)Blackland Grassland
4)Thundering Gardens
5)Grand Expanse
6)Eastern Elegant Plain
7)Noble Expanse   Great Lakes
1)Ignis Lake
2)Aqua Lake
3)Terra Lake
4)Ventus Lake   Jungles
1)Standing Dead Jungle
2)Vast Lion Wilds
3)Soft Cougar Tropics
4)Tigress Bush
5)Timeless Jungle   Mountains
1)Northern Summit
2)Bright Stone Highland
3)Center's Peak
4)Fractured Red Top
5)Crossfire Mountains
6)Whitefill Mountains   Seas
1)Grand Ocean
2)Sea of Ice
3)Ocean of Duels
4)Ultramarine Ocean
5)Orient Sea
6)Coral Waves
7)Abyss Domain Ocean   Tundras
1)Far Northern Tundra
2)Far Southern Tundra  

Sidus Lunam

The moon of Stella Erratica, Sidus Lunam, like its parent planet is unusually large for a gas giant sized planet's moon. Its size would be said to be around that of a super-earth. Like Stella Erratica the gravity on the surface is vastly different than planets of Sidus Lunam's size, the forces match the parent planet around 10m/s. The grounds of the planet have about half, 20, the biome areas that Stella Erratica has. Some biomes are like Stella Erratica's as there are deserts, grasslands, and mountains. But it also has biomes not found on Stella Erratica, these being moors and volcanic areas. Unlike Sidus Lunam's parent, it does not have the wide range of life that Stella Erratica has, instead only boasting basic megafauna life.  

Biomes and Areas

1)Golden Desert   Crystal Landscapes
1)Red Crystal Landscape
2)Blue Crystal Landscape   Forests
1)Forgotten Forest   Grasslands
1)Imperial Terrain
2)Royal Grassland   Great Lakes
1)God's Lake
2)Goddess's Lake   Jungles
1)Ancient Jungle   Moors
1)Desolate Moorlands   Mountains
1)King Mountain
2)Queen Slopes   Seas
1)Violent Bay
2)Reaper's Sea
3)Savage Ocean   Volcanics
1)Titan Vertex Volcanos

Fauna & Flora

Stella Erratica


As the basis of all the other types of life on Stella Erratica, there are thousands upon thousands of different species. Many of them were alive on earth at one point or another.  


A chimera is a type of animal that has somehow evolved from two or three animal combination. On the surface, there are only a few dozen animals of this nature. Some of these include the Griffin, Hydra, and Manticore to name a few.  


This trait is even rarer than that of the Chimeras, an animal with might gain the ability to spew smoke or gain sentience. It can be seen in any species and is not unique to a single one, a whale might learn to levitate through the air, while a toad might start to breathe fire. The most interesting combination is when a chimera takes up a trait of one, a Cebrus(3 headed dog) might have the ability to shoot lightning bolts from its fangs.  

Sidus Lunam


Like Stella Erratica, Sidus Lunam has life on its surface in a form that is similar to earth's life. But where the moon gains its uniqueness is in a single species it holds that the parent planet does not, Dragons.
Calendar: [url=]
Alternative Name(s)
The Planet of the Gods
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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