Remedium Immortal Character in Caelesti Novus | World Anvil
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Remedium Immortal

God Remedium Immortal

The God Remedium was the twenty-first born of the Tertius Generation, he is the son of the Goddess of Struggle, Venatio Immortal. As he holds dominion over medicine, he has always been one to help in any way he could. Towards the Mortals, he has answered their asks whenever he could, whether it was to heal the sick or simply provide aid in some way.

Divine Domains

Primary Sphere: Medicine

Divine Powers

Ailment: Upon touching a mortal, at will, they will become cured of any sickness they have, both physical and mental.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A snake coiled around a staff

Tenets of Faith

Health comes to all who ask


Family Ties

Twenty-first born of the Tertius Generation and second born of the Goddess Venatio
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
69963 CSID 5035519 Years old
Nova City Palace
Aligned Organization

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