Nova City Palace Building / Landmark in Caelesti Novus | World Anvil
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Nova City Palace

Purpose / Function

The Palace is used to house all the Gods and Goddess of the Caelesti Galaxy. As well as the Immortal Family, there is a section of the building that serves as the Capital Building of Nova City. In this section is where Imperium Immortal convenes in his throne room to make laws and degree actions that will affect the entirety of the Caelesti Galaxy. These laws and actions are very rare and are aimed at the laws of nature. The United Council of Mortal Races also has their Senate housed in this section where they decide laws that affect all member races governments.


The Nova City Palace has changed and evolved over time to fit the growing size of the Immortal Family and their needs.


In its current form, it retains the look of ancient Roman architecture with white stone outside with the inside having the aesthetics of sci-fi technology.
Alternative Names
Domum Dei Deorum
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Throne Room

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