By the sword, of the crown Adam's Magnum Opus
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Adam's Magnum Opus

Military: War


The Federative Parlimentary Empire of Great Grekar, led by Adam Borowski, alongside the Republic of Angola, East African Federation and Empire of Japan launch a surprise attack starting in the 25th of February 2107 AD upon the United States alongside its many allies along the world. The war is long and harsh, with the frontlines going from the East Coast and the deserts of the Sahara to the Rocky Mountains and the hills of New Zealand. Slowly, the allies of the United States fall one by one to Grekar and its allies, and it tries launching one last desperate offensive in the continent. It works for a bit, pushing back to the East Coast through the leadership of Robert Washington and Mikolaj Sokoly, but they are quickly overpowered by the newly-revealed elite 0th Army of the Grekar Armed Forces "Hell on Earth" led by Mimpoi Borska. After almost 2 years of war on the 5th of November 2107 at 12:00 hours, the last stand of the United States, San Francisco, falls, forcing a surrender resulting in the absolute victory of the Grekar Empire. All of its territories are annexed by Grekar, with the African possesions going to Angola and the EAF. Japan gets nothing.