Supreme Commander of the SEFGA Rank/Title in By the sword, of the crown | World Anvil
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Supreme Commander of the SEFGA

The position of Supreme Commander of the Special Elite Forces of the Grekar Army is one that is revered greatly by many, considered a symbol of great prestige and military skill, as they are second only to the Royal Guard. They are in charge to make sure everything runs smoothly and in order, organizing assaults on vital enemy locations and even personally assuring victory via direct presence within the battlefield.


  • - University degree in "practical applications"
  • - Great physical capabilities
  • - Strategic and intellectual prowess
  • - 2 years minimum of previous military experience
  • - Pragmaticity and sense of ethics


  • - Minimum IQ of 120
  • - At least 1.8 meters tall
  • - No major physical or mental illnesses
  • - Less than 40 years old


A constant pool of applicants is kept at all times by the Omega General/Colonel or the Great Emperor/Empress, with the most qualified out of all of them being in a constant state of training with either the current Supreme Commander or a Great Lieutenant. After the current Supreme Commander of the SEFGA either retires or dies the heir is summoned to Fort Khan (south of Boston) where the entire SEFGA attends and pledges service to the new commander, the Great Emperor/Empress and to the Empire, after wich they are given the SEFGA Baldric, a goddamn Plasma Sword and a Zosuntuk Battle Armor Mark 0.1, and after all that they are officialy proclaimed Supreme Commander.

Notable Holders

Shlenetzki Fernandez - World Boxing Heavyweight Champion at 16, Shlenetzki was a literal genius with extreme physical and mental capabilities, holding the title of Supreme Commander for 68 years and the reign of 2.5 monarchs. He conquered France, the south of the U.S. in an effort to rescue the Emperor, crossed the deserts of North America, fought through Central America, crawled through Oceania, led an assault to Brasilia and then to Rosario, held off the URSSR invasion, personally led the biggest infantry charge in history during the Battle of Peking, crushed resistance efforts in other planets, acted as a mentor to newer generations, unleashed hell upon the C-TPMO, and then finally retired to write his memoirs. Basically, he was the right arm of the empire for a majority of his life and the entirety of a Great Emperor's one.
Civic, Military, Commissioned
Form of Address
Sir, Supreme Commander
Equates to
Great Lieutenant
Length of Term
As deemed by the Great Emperor or Omega General/Colonel
First Holder
Current Holders
Past Holders
Reports directly to

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