The Tyrant Flex Organization in Bugpunk | World Anvil
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The Tyrant Flex

"You could hear their song miles from the docks!"   "What were you even doing near there?"   "I wanted to see them Flex, of course."

Public Agenda

With the city located entirely wrapped around the Cypri River, a massive portion of the economy for the city goes through ships. Thus, The Tyrant Flex was created as a coalition for those who live on rivers and seas alike. Sailors and sea merchants come together in the group, forming a far tighter family-like structure than most factions. They were responsible for the Broken Rope Laws, which are effectively guest rites on ships.


Their origin is very old and deep due to the historical use of ships in the city, especially with the widely-accepted history that a ship was what first brought The Atlas to this location. The name comes from a joking ritual performed before a long sail - flexing for The Woman and her oceans to be allowed crossing.

We disappear with the ocean foam

Political, Faction / Party

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