The Colony Organization in Bugpunk | World Anvil
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The Colony

"Those machines, whatever, they are... it scares me that loyalty is programmed."

Public Agenda

Represents The Atlas itself, the constructs of the city, and the substance that is Dust. There are no sentient beings within the faction, rather a ceremonial figure is chosen to be their representative for the campaign even though they will not win. Essentially, the constructs are given a vote, but it ultimately doesn’t matter because their representative will never win unless something has gone terribly wrong.

Demography and Population

The whole of the constructs and those subservient to The Atlas.


The central Temple of the Atlas, along with the caverns below the city made for the Constructs.


The Constructs, in all their various forms, act as military and reconnaissance to The Colony.

We've Always Been Here

Political, Faction / Party
Alternative Names
The Constructs; The Atlas
Notable Members

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