Seventh Silver Organization in Bugpunk | World Anvil
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Seventh Silver

"Seventh Silver, what are they even? They act like they're preventing pickpocketing, only to steal from right in front of us?"

Public Agenda

In a city as large and vibrant as this, crime is a given and understood law of nature. Seventh Silver hates this. They are an organization representing organized crime. Specifically, a grouping of more white-collar, for lack of a better term, criminals decided that such petty crimes as pickpocketing or trespassing were a nuisance. The group considers such acts barbaric and rather, they believe that since they were given the gift of logic, they should put it to good use with more complex crimes, which to them are perfectly acceptable. Due to the lack of rhetoric on such things, the faction is allowed to exist. That being said, the group intentionally uses portions of their profits to give to the poor, so a more altruistic mafia.


Their origin is rather simple: A well-known merchant, Markus Padrona, was out one busy night with his mistress when he was pickpocketed. The thief took with them only six silver and his wedding ring that he hid. His mistress argued when he went after the kid, saying “It’s just how it is”. He left her, caught the kid, and paid him a seventh silver for showing him what he needs to do. He eventually fostered the child, who would formally start the faction.

Cast off the limitations of the righteous.

Political, Faction / Party

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