Inevitable Kin Organization in Bugpunk | World Anvil
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Inevitable Kin

"Those stone women, the ones in the crypts. They look like they'll give you the chill of death on their own."   "I wouldn't speak unkind words of those who are going to care for your soul."

Public Agenda

For any who have to deal with the dead and soon-to-be dead, they alone populate the Inevitable Kin. A collection of doctors, surgeons, clerics, and caretakers of the deceased, they act as a legion of medical personnel that can be called whenever needed. The city very much respects their dead with a lot of ceremony put into the care of those close to death, their body, and their eventual cremation/burying. Thus, the faction is given a lot of prestige within the city and they are seen as essential.


Their origin is as old as the city.
Political, Faction / Party

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