Raahi Character in Bryonsworth, West Uros | World Anvil
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Raahi ana'Lottric (a.k.a. Blade of Resistance)

"Were the actions of our ancestors wrong? Perhaps. Were they short-sighted? Most assuredly. But regardless of how you feel, we must now live with the consequences of their actions. For decades the only tool our people had to confront the prejudice of the Ruling Houses was our implicit threat of violence. Now we have lost it. Are we to believe that they will now ignore this advantage, that they shall forget their casualties? What of the Siege of 131? Of the Fort Lorden Slaughter? Of House Ester? The road to peaceful cohabitation burned long ago. Now we must fight for the right to exist."

Raahi, the emancipated heiress to House Lottric, has devoted her life to an act of futility, and none are more aware of this fact then she is. No matter how much one bite and claws, the march of progress is a beast that cannot be slain. It's pulse beats in tune with the human heart, thus so long as one lives, the other shall stand beside it. Yet this march is cruel and unforgiving, and now it threatens to trample her people underfoot. Faced with this, what else can she do but resist, no matter its futility.

Attempting to shield her family, Raahi chose to abandon her name and status. For she knew how much her actions would sting them in particular. House Lottric, as one of the few prominent Noble Houses in Holmstead of mixed descent, has always attempted to mend to the rift between the populous of Holmstead and its government through representation. Looking to forgive the atrocities of the past to open the way for a peaceful future. To this extent, Raahi agrees with the rest of her family. However, the end of this path does not erasure the suffering they must endure traveling it. Perhaps one day, her father's plans will craft the world they all wish for, but Raahi cannot wait and watch her people in pain, not when she can stop it.

In the years following the Shoffenway's completion, her ragtag band has been spotted on multiple occasions disrupting or attacking military convoys and operations. Currently, the bounty for her capture placed by House Oren sits roughly around 1,600 credit or 400 marks.

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