King Evric vus'Byron Character in Bryonsworth, West Uros | World Anvil
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King Evric vus'Byron

King Evric vus'Byron (a.k.a. The Young)

The life of Evric vus'Byron, or as he would come to be known, King Evric the Young is defined by two things. The legacy of his father Augustus vus'Byron, and his ascension to the throne of Byronsworth at the early age of twelve.   Hardly one suited from the complexities of ruling a nation, Augustus vus'Byron was a simple and violent man. Who made for a poor monarch and an even poorer father. Context to spend more of his time whoring than leading, he had a penchant for alcohol and was prone to violent outbursts both when drunk and sober. His mood was foul enough that when his wife Allisa ana'Vonswald passed it didn't take long before his court began to spread the rumor that the causes weren't as unfortunate as records implied. Yet, despite all his shortcomings as a man, they were almost all overshadowed by his ineptitude as a leader. His reign was marred with a slew of political blunders, even going so far as to almost ruin the long-standing healthy trade relations with The Republic Isles.   His death was an unceremonious as it was unexpected. As a particularly vicious strain of the flu tore through the capital, claiming the lives of royals and commoners all the same. In hushed corners and in whispered tones, some may have even celebrated his passing, if not for the massive void his untimely death left. As his neglected and ill-prepared son was left to sort out the mess of his father's rule.   With neither the requisite tutelage or experience to lead a nation, the young Evric was forced to defer a large portion of his power to the members of his court. For the good of the nation, this proved to be the only possible choice. As threats, both external and internal, began to look upon the weak leadership with vulturous eyes. Empathetic to what a civil or foreign conflict would mean for his people, if not naive to the workings of the court, Evric made the choice to temporarily allow the Council of Bryonsworth to perform the duties of a monarch until he came of age. It was undoubtedly a move that prevented a great deal of unrest, as the Council swiftly began putting out the many fires Augustus had left in his wake. Yet this shift in power would inevitably beckon forth the slow demise of any true power the Royal Family had.   After the activities of the former king, resentment had begun to form against the aristocracy and noble class of Byronsworth. Resentment that had come to take root within the Council. As such, with their newly acquired power, they quickly moved to place a series of checks and balances that ensured that even when Evric came of age four years late, no single man would possess the power that his father once did. More than that, however, the Council effectively placed themselves in a position of power surpassing that of the monarchy. All but directly refusing to return the crown that had once been handed to them.   In appearance, King Evric has officially taken back the throne. Yet this is only due to the backlash outright dissolving the royal family would cause. Thus while he may still hold the title of ruler, the Council possesses the ability to endlessly stonewall any and all decrees he may attempt to pass. Leaving him as little more than a figurehead jerked along by the Council against his will. A role he has played for his twenty-six-year long rule, and a role he will likely play until the day the young prince is appointed the hollow facade the crown has become.
Current Location
Year of Birth
168 IBC 42 Years old
Valencia, Highhaven Palace
Current Residence
Highhaven Palace
Sharp Grey
Raven Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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