Mynoris Character in Broken Infinity | World Anvil
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The Narrator

Goddess of Death: Mynoris (a.k.a. Myn, Ilusora, Essendu, Serhona)

"The fifth God to emerge was Mynoris.”   There was a sound of recognition from many of the children.   “Yes, that is where my name is from,” Mynoris acknowledged. “Up until the point of emergence, I knew nothing, for I did not exist. The earlier Gods felt me come into being, just as I felt the later ones come into being.”

Divine Domains

Death, Judgement, Consequences

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Owls Black Rose Onyx Throne Numeral 5

Tenets of Faith

Death is a Natural Part of Life, and Shall Not be Vilified

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As a God she's pretty much just a ball of energy, usually encased in the appearance of a human woman. As a mortal, she has had a variety of appearances and health levels. Post Unbinding: Generally she is a fit woman, tall for her sex, and robust.

Body Features

Post Unbinding: Her skin is very tanned. She has a muscular build, but is not musclebound. She's tall, around 5'11". Her hair is red and wavy, worn long.

Facial Features

Post Unbinding: She has green eyes. Her features are strong, without being masculine. She has a straight nose and a slightly pointed chin. Her eyebrows are red to match her hair, and finely arched.

Physical quirks

Post Unbinding: Mynoris exudes confidence, from the swagger of her walk to the lift of her chin when she's standing still. There isn't anything subtle or shy about her bearing.

Special abilities

As a God: Mynoris has the ability to move through the Aether at will, which means that she can get anywhere in the Universe almost instantly. She can also see into any location by focusing inwards. She can communicate telepathically with any other God, regardless of location. To communicate with mortals, she has to go through her Priests or anyone in the proximity of her Temples. She has the ability to read a dead person's past life by reading his/her soul. She has complete control over the realm of the Dead, and can shape or expand it according to her desires.   Post Unbinding: Mynoris can sense when people are near death. She can also grant a peaceful death to any mortal by severing their connection with life, but this only works on those who are already close to death. People in good health she would have to kill the old fashioned way. While she is trapped in a mortal body, and can suffer pain and death, she never stays dead, but will reform a few days after she dies.

Apparel & Accessories

Post Unbinding: Mynoris most commonly wears clothes that let her move easily. Generally she wears an armored leather vest over a tunic, and a skirt that is reinforced with leather strips, and leather leggings. She wears knee-high, laced boots that are durable. She has leather arm-guards on her wrists. She usually has a sword strapped to her hip, and a dagger in one of her boots. She often carries with her a quiver full of arrows and a bow.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mynoris was the fifth Aetheri to come into being. She was created during a clash between the Elements of Water and Fire. Eventually she bonded with Gryan, the God of Fortune. Together they had four children: Shynae, Corris, Dinairn, and Dyris. Mynoris was one of the last of the Gods to have Divine Dominion, but after the first mortal died, she took on the Domain of Death. She was the first God to live a mortal lifetime.

Gender Identity

As a God, she was originally gender neutral, like all other Gods. For ease of communicating with mortals, the Gods took on genders, and Mynoris felt that the feminine was right for her. Thus she's referred to in the feminine by mortals and other Gods. When she is mortal herself, she tends to go by whatever pronoun would be naturally assigned to her body.


"Yes please." Mynoris was very much impressed by mortal sexuality, and it actually became a little bit of an addiction for her. Generally, she's heterosexual in whatever body type she inhabits (she prefers males while female, and vice versa). However, this is just a preference of hers, not any sort of moral imperative, since Gods don't have concrete sexes, and their genders are more a matter of convenience. She's experimented both ways.


As a God, Mynoris didn't have a formal education since such things didn't exist. Gods had a certain level of innate knowledge of each other, which was later expanded to a general knowledge of the universe and a specific knowledge of anything pertaining to their Domains. So, Mynoris knows the intricacies of Death and the Dead. In addition, she knows a lot about martial combat due to her time in mortal bodies.


People are always dying, so Mynoris will always have a job. She is a judge of the Dead as well as their keeper. As a mortal, she was a Helori Stonecutter and a Zefalri Sword Sister.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The most noteworthy things that Mynoris has done are as follows:
  • Created the Realm of the Dead
  • Learned how to co-inhabit a mortal's body
  • Been the first God to live as a full Mortal.
  • Survived the Great Unbinding

Failures & Embarrassments

Mynoris hasn't had many great failures, or at least ones she would recognize as such. To her failure just meant she hadn't succeeded yet.   The thing she is most ashamed of is how much she enjoyed tormenting Ellra, the woman who murdered her grandson Veneri's beloved. She was embarrassed, after the fact, of how surly she was to the other Gods before she had a Domain, and regretted many unkind things she said at that time. She was ashamed to admit that she laughed at some of the Gods behind their backs because they were confused about death when it was first discovered, although she had enough respect to not laugh in their faces. She also felt embarrassed by the fact that her partner had to point out that she was practically cheating at being mortal, and that she had to do things the hard way to get a real understanding of mortals.

Mental Trauma

The first great trauma Mynoris experienced was second-hand through the rape of her daughter Dyris. It was then that she realized the amount of emotional pain that the Gods could feel. For the most part, she didn't experience a lot of mental trauma herself, but she could see a lot of the trauma inflicted on, and by, the dead people that she judged.

Intellectual Characteristics

Mynoris' intelligence is mostly focused on people and their relations, the ability to detect patterns of behavior, and so on. She's not the smartest of the Gods in a purely cerebral sense. She prefers practical knowledge as well, such as how to fight, or build things, rather than straight up academic pursuits.

Morality & Philosophy

Despite the bad reputation deities of Death have, Mynoris considers herself fairly moral. When it comes to a question of whether something is moral or not, she looks at whether or not something causes harm to another person. Then she questions whether such harm was necessary. From her perspective, the worst sorts of crimes, or sins, are the ones that halt a person's growth. Because she is the judge of the Dead, she knows intimately how much their growth stagnates the moment they die. She believes strongly that everyone should have a full chance at life, to make their mistakes and keep growing and learning.


Mynoris strongly believes that actively harming children is one of the worst things a person can do. She's also disgusted by rape and torture. She's very much against abortion since she knows first hand what happens to the souls of those babies.

Personality Characteristics


As a God, Mynoris was largely driven by a sense of duty. Most of what she did was to become the best caretaker of the Dead that she possibly could, and this included doing some risky things to make herself a better judge of the people.   As a mortal, Mynoris is motivated by the potential for new experiences. She likes to try new foods and activities. She also has a protective streak, especially when it comes to children, or those typically unable to defend themselves.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Mynoris is very good story teller. She's also a very skilled combatant with melee styled weapons, especially swords. She's an astute judge of character, and can often read the micro-expressions of other people, sometimes to the point where people wonder if she's a mind-reader.   Mynoris is not very good with long-term deception. She doesn't have much patience for reading or writing, other than the most basic notes. She also couldn't carry a tune to save her life.

Likes & Dislikes

Mynoris loves encounters of a sensual nature. She's very found of children. She likes the thrill of combat. She enjoys any sort of physical competition.   Mynoris hates bullies. She strongly dislikes being held captive. She's disgusted by liars.

Virtues & Personality perks

Mynoris can be incredibly patient, and she generally tries to let people save face. She's respectful of people's differences, and isn't quick to judge people by a single moment in time. She's very protective of the young and weak. She believes in honesty and keeping one's word.

Vices & Personality flaws

Mynoris has a temper, and a great capacity to hold a grudge over a long period of time. She can also be a bit on the irreverent side, and is not as polite, or soft spoken, as some people would like her to be. She can be very flippant with people's morality if they don't align with hers.


Family Ties

  • Parents: Phyran (Fire) & Nyallyn (Water)
  • Sibling: Nelin (Life)
  • Spouse: Gryan (Fortune)
  • Children: Shynae (Peace), Dinairn (Pain), Corris (Language), Dyris (Passage)

Religious Views

As a God: She's the head of her Faith, and an equal partner in her Pantheon. Post Unbinding: She has no knowledge of any particular deities, but she feels uncomfortable following any of them. If asked, she would describe herself as agnostic.

Social Aptitude

She's high in charisma and confidence, but not very good at delicate diplomacy. She's very extroverted, and is unlikely to be intimidated by a crowd.


Post Unbinding: Mynoris is blunt and doesn't believe in excessive politeness, though she does show everyone a general level of respect until they prove unworthy of such. She's a strong leader, but not a very good follower. Because she's very rarely anxious or upset, a lot of people gravitate towards her. Many would call her charismatic, but not exactly charming. Outwardly she shows a lot of bluster, but she's actually very astute with good observation skills underneath that.

Hobbies & Pets

Post Unbinding: Mynoris is generally disinterested in animals, so she has no pets, though if it's to her benefit, she will sometimes own a horse.


Her voice is low and slightly husky, being rather rich in tone. She is likely to employ sarcasm now and then. She laughs easily, and heartily; you'll never catch her giggling. Generally she sticks to non-formal speech.

Wealth & Financial state

As a God: Mynoris has no need for wealth. But she does like to see a certain amount of finery in her Temples, though her tastes aren't as opulent as some Gods'.   Post Unbinding: Mynoris' wealth fluctuates often. She has no use for wealth that just sits there. For her personal use, she only needs enough to keep herself fed, sheltered, and for her equipment's upkeep. Still, she understands the value of wealth, and when she works as a mercenary, she charges comparable prices. When she has nothing extra to spend it on, she will accumulate wealth, but she just as easily will give it up to a family that needs it, or an orphanage, or a village ravaged by war. Generally she doesn't stay in any location long enough to acquire more permanent assets, such as land or business holdings. However, sometimes she will entrust money to others on the condition that they keep a 'corner' for her in their homes or places of business. To those who don't know her, she often appears to be someone of lower class that made good, since she never lets herself become destitute.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Goddess of Death Black Rose
Circumstances of Birth
Born from a conflict between the Elements of Fire and Water. She was neither wanted, nor unwanted; it's doubtful the Elements even noticed she was born.
Circumstances of Death
As a mortal, she's died several times.
The Aether
Current Residence
The Nether
None as a God. Multiple as an avatar. Female as a mortal, after the Unbinding.
Vibrant green.
Shoulder-length, deep and bold red. Hair is thick and has a slight wave to it.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I won’t have it said that Mynoris breaks her word." "After all, I am here to protect all of you.” "Everything will be explained in its own time.”
Known Languages
All Gods are polyglots, though as a mortal, Mynoris had to learn any languages the hard way.

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