Free Peoples Organization in Braxis | World Anvil
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Free Peoples

The Free Peoples is located within The Great Plains, Its territory was frequently fought over by the Kingdom of Argon and The Duran Collective until recently when all control of the area was lost with the end of the last Argo-Duran War.   The Free Peoples is now a loose collection of tribes, brigands, Bandit Lord's that serve a Bandit King and take what they need to survive from more settled and well off townships.   The capital city of The Free Peoples is the old Fortress of Rorough


Bandit King - The leader of several Bandit Lords and ruler of the Free Peoples
Bandit Lord - The leader of couple bandit groups
Gang leader - The leader of a single bandit group
Baron - The leader of a township, subservient to all above


The strong rule over the weak is the dominant standard throughout the free peoples' lands


The Free Peoples is a fresh nation, formed at the end of the last Argo-Duran War, the small nation forming a loose alliance between its cities after breaking away from the Duran Collective. Not long after its formation, its nobility lost control due to the bandit groups the sprung up across the country, and with no real military to keep them in check, the bandits quickly assumed control and asserted their own laws.  Most of the nobility was purged, save for a few families that were kept around to manage each of the cities.

Our land, Our Rules

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