Duran Collective Organization in Braxis | World Anvil
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Duran Collective

the Duran Collective. An alliance of small city-states that was formed to protect one another from the harsh and dangerous forces in the world of Braxis. Tightly knit, the core of the collective is formed on the westernmost continent of Braxis, neighbouring the Kingdom of Argon and the Wildlands.   The Collective strives to use its vast military power to bring order and law to those within its care often finding its legions drawn to the far corners of the world when one of its city-states calls for aid.


Legatus - Councilmen elected to lead a Legion
Tribunii - Noblemen and women elected to aid in legions its command
Centurion - Veteran officers of a Legion


The Duran collective is a very militarized organization where service in the legions grants elevation amongst the citizenry. Duranites often view themselves as the strongest nation in the world and can easily come across as overly prideful.   Their culture is centred around their military and all aspects of it are shaped by its servicemen, leading to a very disciplined and rigid society

Public Agenda

The Duran Collective seeks to unite the world under a collective banner through treaties and peaceful negotiations, only flexing its military might when the collective itself or a potential city-state is threatened


the Duran Collective has the ability to call upon an entire nation's worth of supplies to see its needs fulfilled.


The Duran armed forces are organized into legions, lead by a single Praetorian per legion. The Praetorian is chosen assigned to a legion when it is mustered and prepared to march in a campaign. The Praetorian is chosen from the Council of Duran membership and his command of the legion only lasts until the campaign is over.   The Soldiers of the legions are grabbed in Red and Black tabards, the higher ranks received coloured armor to denote their allegiance.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
Duran, The Collective, The Reds.
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Duran Coins, Gold Coins, Silver Coins, Copper Coins
Legislative Body
The Council of Duran, consisting of the heads of each city-state that has joined the confederacy
Judicial Body
The officers of the Duran armed forces are in charge of maintaining and enforcing the law
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Organization Vehicles

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