Climates, Weather, and Seasons in Brandara | World Anvil
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Climates, Weather, and Seasons


Wet Spring | The Mists

The Mists, or Wet Spring, is the season of light drizzles and Light shining softly beneath the clouds.

Dry Spring | Spring

Spring, or Dry Spring, is the season of soft Light and whispering breezes.

Wet Summer | Summer

Summer, or Wet Summer, is the season of heavy lightning and thunder storms, and unforgiving Light shining beneath the clouds.

Dry Summer | The Embers

The Embers, or Dry Summer, is the season of hot and harsh Light, as well as stiflingly still heat and ash falls, when the volcanoes across the world let loose torrents of ash into the sky- the only time that the Light is ever totally blocked.
The Embers
by Morgan

Wet Fall | The Fogs

The Fogs, or Wet Fall, is the season of ever-present fog and cold drizzles.

Dry Fall | Autumn

Autumn, or Dry Fall, is the season of crisp leaves and dry fields.

Wet Winter | Winter

Winter, or Wet Winter, is the season of freezing torrents of rain, sleet, and hail, as well as heavy snowfalls farther from volcanoes.
by Morgan

Dry Winter | The Rimes

The Rimes, or Dry Winter, is the season of extreme cold accompanied by falling and forming rimestones.


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